Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week 16: April 20-27th: Geocaching and enjoying the outdoors!

Well, tomorrow begins Week 16. Hard to believe, isn't it? Wednesday is our 16 week doctor's appointment. I believe we'll be scheduling THE BIG ultrasound. EXCITING!!!! Greg has finally relented, and we're going to find out if it is a boy or a girl.. SO, we'll know within the next month. We're bringing Evan and our mothers (possibly his mom if we can talk her into it!!) to it, so that'll be fun. Evan had to look at the picture from his ultrasound a couple of times last weekend.

As of today, we have 172 days left. According to, baby is about the size of an avacoado. S/he is roughly 4.6" long and weighs about 3 1/2 oz. Our little one is growing! Baby can also hear us talking now, and is growing eyebrows, lashes and hair! I hope baby has my hair and not Greg's course hair! (sorry, G! LOL!)

Mom and Dad bought our dishwasher for us today. Yeah!!!! Now we just need to get it installed. Hmmm. I can't wait to get that installed so I don't have to wash so many dishes by hand anymore. I LOATH washing dishes!!

We have Evan for the next two days. His maternal grandma is having surgery, and his mom wants to be with her (rightfully so!) SO, we'll have Evan for the next couple of days. FUN!! We picked up up today in Attica. He was in a good mood, despite not having a nap. Tomorrow, my mom and I are taking him to Karate! Woo hoo. Greg has a meeting and won't be able to go. Mom's really looking forward to seeing him in action. I have a feeling she'll be surprised! He's pretty amusing to watch, especially when he's sparring.

Let's see... what else has been going on....

We went Geocaching this weekend. Managed to find 12/13 caches. Yeah for us! We went to this really cool spot on River Road between Pemberville and New Rochester very close to the Eagle's nest is as. Both eagles were there, and must have an egg. Very cool. It was an old rail road crossing. We didn't find the cache, but we did see a snake and a goofy goose sitting on her nest under the bridge on one of the supports. We also hit 6 caches on the way to Attica today, and managed to find all of them. We hiked a bit yesterday. I was EXAUSTED after our first couple of caches. I think I'm still feeling the last of the effects from the pneumonia... I was out of breath and worn out. BUT, I'm determined to keep up with the walking and biking! The more active that I keep myself, the better laber is going to be.

I'm still loving my job. The driving is crazy, but I'm okay with it. I have my books on CD and I'm good to go. Visiting folks is the best part, though. I love meeting new people and just sitting and chit-chatting with people, especially when its someone who doesn't get visitors very often and loves to chat. I have a few "problem clients" who are very needy, with lots of issues, but they're the ones that make it interesting, and keep me on my toes.

Greg's got lots of meetings this week, so it's going to be another one of those week! Bah. Maybe you'll hear from me mid-week.

*hugs to everyone*
love, jenn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! you guys went geocaching... even though i had to coach you guys through some technial stuff.. hehe

SO.. when you going to catch up to me??