Sunday, April 6, 2008

Week 14: April 6th Work and Pneumonia continues

Hello everyone!

I started my new job on Wednesday- I LOVE it! It's exactly what I have always wanted to do. I guess when God closes one door, he really does open a window. All that I've done this past week with work is straighten up the office, going through patient files and making sure they're back in order. They were a MESS! I'll get my company car and phone on Tuesday. I'm VERY excited about that! My first night on call is Thursday, which I'm nervous about, but I think I'll be okay. =-)

The pneumonia is kicking my butt- Fortunately, the worst of it is over. The part that's keeping me down is the cough. It's a killer! The worst part is trying to get to sleep at night. The first hour of laying down is my lungs trying to re-adjust and me hacking-- hard! It's awful. Greg has taken to coming to bed about an hour after me, just because there's no point in him trying to fall asleep before then. I have a robutussin with codeine that I take just before bed and usually I wake up about 4 hours later needing a little more. I also have an inhaler that I use during the day- I've cut back quite a bit on that, but sometimes, I just need it!

LOVED the weather this weekend. Friday, we went to see "The Odd Couple", which was put on by the Black Swamp Players. It was okay--not really my type of show, but Greg loved it. =-) Saturday, we slept in (VERY NICE) and then spent the day getting all of the fun yard stuff out-- All of our lawn furniture, the mower and other equipment. Then, G talked me into taking a bike ride. With my lungs right now, that was probably a huge mistake. But, we rode all the way down to Grounds for Thought, our favorite hangout, had a quick drink and then came back. I hacked the rest of the night, REALLY hard. Today (Sunday) we went to breakfast as usual. After that, we went to Foodways at the mall. That was INSANE. I think everyone in Wood County showed up. G and Dad went up to see about a dishwasher (which fell through- no big deal). We came home and I took a nice long, very necessary nap. G spent the afternoon snoozing and reading in the swing.

Greg had a nice week this past week, no nights at movie gallery and I think he had only one or two meetings last week, if I remember correctly. Work seems to be going well for him, No major issues that I can recall. This next week isn't going to be so pretty-- he has meetings or works at movie gallery every night. Ugh! Maybe I'll get some scrapbooking done, then.

Evan started his new school on Monday. OH my gosh, he's a completely different child. When we would pick him up from the old school, he was always exausted, grouchy and had usually been in some sort of trouble through the day. His teachers always had something to complain about. Now, he's all smiles, happy, has had a nap, and talks non-stop about his day at school. He's SO much happier. We couldn't be more thrilled. Greg and Dani did a great job picking this place out.

On another Evan note, we are telling Evan about the big news this weekend. We've created a giant calendar with EVERYONE's birthdays on it, now through October, along with any other important events (days with Mommy/Daddy-Jenn, anniversaries, holidays, etc). The calendar will travel between the two houses and he can mark the days off. It gives him a timeline for the pregnancy. We're also going to take him with us to the next ultrasound so he can see the baby, too. We want to make sure that he's as included and excited about this as he can possibly be.

I *think* I felt the baby move the other day. I'm not really sure, though-- it felt like something pushing out just below my belly button. I haven't felt it since, though. This week, according to, baby is roughly the size of a lemon-- 3.4" long! She's getting bigger! She's also probably passing the time by sucking her thumb and wiggling her toesies! I bought some GREAT clothes on eBay the other day-- about 17 different pieces of clothes. They came yesterday in the mail. Every single item FITS! I did a little happy dance over that! I've had such a hard time finding maternity clothes that look right!

Anyway! Baby, Greg, Evan and I are doing great! Now, if only I can get over this hacking! Keep dry this week! It's going to be extra rainy!!!! Happy April!!!!

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