Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week 40: October 6-13th: Eviction Notice about to be Served.

SO, we've made it to week 40, and unfortunately, the OB gave us no hope for that baby vacating any time soon. We're scheduled to go back on Thursday and at that time will discuss baby's eviction notification. There's been no changes since the week before.

How am I feeling? CRUMMY CRUMMY CRUMMY. Some of you have seen how swollen my feet have been this pregnancy. You've seen NOTHING! They're so swollen that when the swelling goes down, there are bruises on my feet. Yeah. Seriously. I've outgrown all of my pants, and my groin and pelvic area hurt if I lay down. So much so that I end up crying out as I try to turn in the middle of the night in an attempt to get comfortable, which in turn wakes Greg up. We both fall asleep only for it to happen all over again a short time later. I was in tears it hurt so badly last night. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to make it to my appointment on Thursday like this. I told Greg I think I might have to talk to Bill and see about either 1/2 days at work or stopping work all together this week. There's no way I can keep doing this.

I did go through a nesting spurt yesterday and reorganized the bathroom (with Greg's help!) and then cooked up a storm. I made cinnamon rolls, rice crispy treats, veggie-beef soup, chicken and cleaned out the fridge and freezer to make room for everything. Any hope of this nesting has pretty much subsided today. I don't want to do ANYTHING.

Greg took Evan on a LOOONG hike today over at Wintergarden Park. They found all sorts of neat things, including acorns, leaves and a wooly caterpiller! Very cool. I wish G would have taken the camera! I guess they walked a good mile or so. G let Evan lead the way and they wandered ALL over the place. Good! Fresh air is good for them. I, on the other hand, napped uncomfortably.

We found a naughty little kitty in the cradle today. I have a cute picture of Magic. I think she looks a little guilty, don't you? I'm not too worried about it. Baby's going to encounter the cat hair. I don't think Magic is one to get too close to the baby. We'll just have to keep a close eye on her. I think it'll be fine, though.

We got to see the wedding and cake cutting via Heidi's laptop webcam yesterday. That was so nice. I had a really hard time not being there with everyone, but there was no way I could have made that trip. It would have been too uncomfortable and I really didn't want to risk going into labor 700 miles from home. Y ou know what I mean? I wonder if they brought me a piece of wedding cake, though... hmmmmm....I should have asked them to. Oh well.

Lindsey was beautiful from the pictures that I saw. I think she and Aaron will be really happy and will take good care of each other. I'm also happy she's going to have the support network that the Army wives will offer her while Aaron is in Iraq. I'm hoping mom and dad come over tomorrow and show me the video and pictures. I really couldn't hear much on the phone when they called, and the webcam was a rather pixilated.

Well, my feet are starting to swell from sitting up instead of laying down again, so I guess I'd beter wrap this up and go lay down.

Love you all-- we'll keep you posted on my status!



Anonymous said...

I wish you could have been there yesterday!!!! We all missed you. Hope the little bugger comes out soon for ya!!! Love you and miss you...Lindsey and Aaron

Sherry Yaple said...

LOL over the "eviction notice".

Just try to hang in there! Hope the little one decides to make an appearance soon though!!!