Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kaleb's first week

We have been home since Sunday now, and are still trying to get caught up. They told us to go home and rest, but it seems like all we do is run: Go to this doctor, go to that doctor, visit the lactation consultant. Lather, rinse, repeat.

It's tiring, and we are behind. I write this at 11:15 a.m. on Thursday, and Jenn and Kaleb both are STILL sleeping. I've taken advantage of that time to write some stories for work, do a load of laundry, and do some dishes. I'll do another 2 or 3 loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms later today, probably when they both are asleep again.

Having Kaleb around has been a LOT of fun. He makes lots of silly faces and is so adorable when he sleeps. He's cute when he's awake as well, but there is nothing cuter than a sleeping baby.

We were really worried about how Evan was taking on the role of a big brother. His mom told me he has had a couple of melt-downs over silly stuff, and when prodded, he has told his mom that he doesn't want to take care of the baby.

When I picked him up for our weekly visit, I was really worried about it, and things seemed to be getting worse, because he was really quiet, and I could tell something was bugging him. I even offered to take him to McDonald's for a milk shake and he declined it, saying "not today. Maybe next time."

WHAT????? A kid not wanting to go to McDonald's for a milk shake. That kid is either a) sick, or b) having issues.

So I was worried.

But when we got home, he saw Kaleb and Jenn sitting on the porch, and was very excited to go say hi, check out his little brother, and give him a stuffed animal he had chosen.

And things kept getting better from there. Evan asked on his own to hold him, to feed him (we let him help) and to hold him again, changed a diaper, and got a burp cloth all on his own, without being told where to find them. I didn't even know where Jenn had put them, so I was quite impressed by his helpfulness, his knowledge, his excitement, and his adjustment. We took lots of pictures and posted the best here.

We had to go to Babies-R-Us for some more supplies, but Evan was a great helper and brother, keeping us informed of what Kaleb was doing in his seat as we drove up there.

Evan was very clingy to all of us, including Jenn, at the store. That was a good sign in our eyes, but also a "warning" to us that we have to make sure we focus a lot of our attention on him and keep encouraging him and do fun things just with and for him from time to time.

Grandma and Papa V. got home from their trip on Monday and came to visit Kaleb for only the second time on Tuesday. Jenn was in total pain and didn't come out of the bedroom to visit. She was bad off. I'll let her tell that story if/when she wants.

I felt really bad for Papa V. because he had a cold and chose to 1) wear a face mask and 2) not hold Kaleb so he wouldn't get him sick. Poor Papa. He's dying to hold his grandson.

I'll let Jenn say more. She keeps talking about posting an entry, but she has been in so much pain and so tired, and so busy, that it has been difficult.

Until later, this is one proud papa and one happy hubby.

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