Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27th: Kaleb is almost 3 weeks old!

Where has the time gone? I cannot believe that he's already over two weeks old. How is that possible?

It's amazing to me how much an infant can change so much in just a few short days. He's already getting so big, and noticeably so! I put him in his Boppy last night, all curled up, and he's spilling out of it. Both Greg and I were shocked. He's also gained a pound and an inch, according to his pediatrician visit on Friday. So, we're now at 8lbs, 9oz. Really, he's gained about 2 pounds since his discharge from the hospital, because he was down to 6lbs 15oz when we left!

Things are slowly getting better when it comes to the sleep cycle. I probably should be sleeping instead of writing this, but I feel like all I would be doing is sleeping, feeding Kaleb and that would be about it.

Last week was tough, as Greg went back to work. I had to learn how to take care of Kaleb on my own. I also took over all of the nighttime wake-up calls so that Greg would be rested while at work. That made last week even more difficult for me. Poor Greg was a little shocked, I think, as I think I had a breakdown every night when Kaleb was sleeping all evening and I knew that meant he was going to be up all night long-- I was usually right. That's the part that really sucks for me. As much as I adore my child, I really hate being up for long hours in the middle of the night.

Nursing Kaleb seems to be slowly getting better. We've had to suppliment with formula, especially while I was still healing, but we're getting back to breast feeding more and more, so that's good. We only breastfeed at home-- I just can't get used to the idea of feeding in front of other people. I'll never be one of those women who can just whip it out in a restaurant.

Mom talked me into taking knitting lessons last Thursday. Can I just say that it total torture? Fail. Complete and total Failure when it comes to knitting lessons that night. I will say that I did go over to Mom's on Saturday and she gave me remedial lessons. I think I've got the hang of it now. phew!

We took Evan and Kaleb to pick pumpkins on Saturday. That was probably a mistake. It was really nice, as long as you weren't out in the wind. We were in the wind. With an infant. On a wagon ride. Okay, so maybe not my brightest move as a mommy. But I will say that he was well wrapped up in his blanket and held very tightly. Evan cracked me up-- he litterally hopped off of the wagon, marched out to the field, picked up the first pumpkin he saw and marched back to the wagon-- I think it took literally a total of 2 minutes. I didn't even have time to get the camera out and ready! He wore his pumpkin hat that Mom made him. SO cute. Sunday was spent visiting grandparents and napping. It was just a plesant day overall.

Anyhoo. Sorry this is more of a rambling of thoughts.But there are LOTs of pictures, so enjoy!!! Notice the Boppy picture this week compared to the one from two weeks ago. Makes me want to cry!

Love you all!


Sherry Yaple said...

Darnit! All those pictures do is make me want another baby. I'm sure Jim will be happy when I start whining about that again!!

Love the pics! He's so adorable!!
And I about choked when I read that he was already 3 weeks - where does the time go!??

Enjoy the little one and try to take it easy...

Lindsey said...

he is so stink'n cute!!
i can't wait to our new member!! until christmas! which better come fast!!!

love you!!