Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 30th: UPDATE

Well, we're down to 9 days left before the due date. Holy hell! How'd that happen?!

Anyway. I went in for a NST (Non-stress test) for the baby, because he's been rather sluggish the past two days. He squirmed around for them a little, the nurse scared the daylights out of me, saying that he felt like he was breech (he's not) and then informed me that I'm contracting regularly at 3 minute intravals. Funny thing is, I can't feel them. And they're not making real progress. Although I AM at a little over 2 cm dilated now. Woo hoo. Making progress!

Both Greg and I were sluggish yesterday, too- so maybe its just the general mood. I dunno. We literally laid around last night just kindof staring at one another. We both snoozed, read, snoozed, read and then attempted to watch Boston Legal. (I love that show. I still cannot believe that it's the final season. WHAT is up with that?!?!). I think we're going to have to watch it again. Thank goodness for TiVo.

Plans have changed for this weekend, too. I'm rather upset about it for selfish reasons, but Heidi's now going to be able to go to Lindsey's wedding, so I guess it'll be just Greg, Evan and I this weekend. I suppose that this will ensure that Baby will definitely make his appearance while my entire family is gone. No, I'm not mad at anyone, nor do I want anyone to change their plans. I just wish that the timing was better. I should know better than to expect things to go the way that I hope they will. They never do.

A friend and I were emailing back and forth today. She asked how I was doing-- I told her that it was like we were all ready for the party, and we're waiting for the guests who are all late to show up.

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