Saturday, September 27, 2008

Week 39: 9/29/08-10/5/08 The Waiting Game...

I'm writing this a little earlier this weekend than I normally do. Its a quiet weekend with Evan, and we're just laying low, for the most part.

This week was fairly quiet, with lots of meetings and court hearings for Greg at work, and not a whole lot of anything for me. I went to Findlay to conduct a training, and fortunately, no contractions while I was there like last week! Work is getting harder and harder for me. I'm exhausted and a little bit bored. I think next week is going to consist of me calling all of my clients one more time to see how they're doing and what I can do for them.

Doctor's appointment was uneventful on Friday. We've made a TINY TINY bit of progress and are now at 1cm and 80% effaced. The nurse practitioner stripped membranes a little bit. They said that if we make it to Friday, the discussion turns to induction because they will NOT let me go past 41 weeks. I'm not thrilled about that based on the statistics in regards to inductions and c-sections (about 50% of inductions become c-sections), so this is NOT the route I want to go. Although ask me what my opinion is about it in a week if baby boy is still in still refusing to make an appearance.

My feet continue to swell, despite the fact that I feel like I'm dumping liquid down my throat constantly. I've found that the colder the water, the more I will drink. So a stop at the local Circle K on a daily basis for a styrofoam full of ice has become a necessity for me. I can drink 2 of the large cups there during the work day, which also means I pee about every 14 minutes or so. I do find that I have a harder time downing the liquids during the weekend. Not sure why. You would think that's easier. But I suppose its because I'm not staying in one place.

I've been having contractions and serious cramping, but its so sporatic that timing it is pointless-- it goes from 5 minutes apart to 50 minutes to 33 minutes and so on. Bah.

We have Evan this weekend. Greg had a Saturday shift at the Sentinel (5am-8:30 YUCK) so Greg's folks went down to Evans soccer game in our place and brought him home. I think they had a good time!

We took our annual trip up to the apple orchard, which was fun. That's about all our weekend is going to consist of, activity-wise. We're spending the rest of the weekend just laying low and relaxing. Evan's having a ball being able to play with his toys. I think Greg's having fun with that, too. He's re-discovered Transformers and Legos and the two of them have been playing with them all afternoon and evening.

We've been trying to stock up on some things before baby shows up. I made a huge batch of chili yesterday and lasangna sauce on Tuesday night. Greg is in heaven. I made apple crisp today and did it ever turn out GOOD! I love apple season. I guess maybe this is my way of nesting-- making a bunch of food. Unfortunately, I'm running out of freezer space and have to take a bunch of stuff over to my mom's. lol! Hopefully, it'll survive over there!

I think it'll end up being next weekend. Fortunately, Heidi is going to be coming up here, so we have someone to be here and help us out as needed! And if he doesn't make his appearance, we'll have a fun weekend with Heidi, just hanging out, maybe playing some cards?? We'll have Evan again next weekend, as his mother has a business trip of some sort. If he makes his appearance before next weekend, we'll still have Heidi to help us out over the weekend and also to help make sure Evan isn't left out.

Go BUCKEYES, by the way! Way to beat Minnesota!!! woo hoo! I really miss going to the games. I know Mom and Dad do, too. *sigh* Oh well. Unfortunately, our Minnesota Twins (baseball) lost, although the Cleveland Indians seem to be doing pretty good. Have I mention that I find it funny that this baby is going to be as big of a sports nut as his brother? We have LOTS of OSU and Indians clothes, as well as one lone Twins outfit and a couple of Browns outfits, too. You know, I don't have anything from the Toledo Mudhens! Oh well, that seasons pretty much over, anyway. We have a cute soccer outfit. I'm hoping it'll be nice enough after baby is born to take him to at least one of Evan's soccer games.

We're feeling VERY prepared for baby to make his appearance at this point. Everything has been washed and setup, and the carseat is ready to go, too. We're rather anxious to get this show on the road, that's for sure! But, we're also savoring the quiet moments, as well. Unfortunately, the further along we go, the more uncomfortable I get, and the outtings are beoming more and mroe limited. We hit Sam's club on Monday to stock up on last minute items (And even a Christmas gift that I stumbled upon) and it was a LOT for me to walk through the store. But we had a good time, and have discovered that we will NEVER go up there on the weekend again. Monday is definately the day to go. It was SO QUIET there. It was FANTASTIC.

Anyway! Have a great week. I'm hoping next time I write this, it'll be to post baby pictures!

Love you all!


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