Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 37: Busy Weekend, Busy Week! And Progress has begun! Woot!

Well, it's official. We've been told several things at the doctor's appointment this week: 1) Should we go into labor, there's no stopping it. 2) We're starting to dilate-- just a fingertip, but hey, a finger tip is a finger tip! 3) Baby is definitely head down 4) I gained FIVE POUNDS in ONE WEEK. WHAT THE HECK!?!?

They said that the weight gain was probably due to retaining water, and NOT my over-eating last week. If that's the case, I think I lost fat-weight and gained water, because I think each of my feet weighs 5 pounds more than usual.

I think we're officially ready for baby to get here. I just want to be done. I've got 3 weeks left, but Greg is predicting Thursday. I'm predicting that with my luck, I'll go over the 40 week mark by a week and a half. Just because that's my luck.

Grandma's quilt arrived in the mail on Tuesday. It turned out SO nice! I love it and it will be treasured always!

Evan's still having difficulties with behaving at school. He had a good day on Friday, but he was back on red again today after throwing blocks and laughing at the teacher when she threatened to punish him. WHO IS THIS CHILD?!? Anyone have any ideas as to how we can deal with this?

We had a great weekend with him. Soccer was canceled due to the rain. Greg picked him up in North Baltimore early on Saturday and we did some bargain shopping at the Once Upon a Child shops in Toledo. Not a whole lot of luck, unfortunately. We still need a pack-n-play and a few other things that we feel are "okay" to get second hand.

Saturday night, my cousin, Annette, got married. She looked lovely! It was a little strange seeing her in a dress, although it was even stranger seeing her twin sister, Val, in a dress!! I don't think I've ever witnessed Val in a dress before. She looked fantastic! So did everyone in the wedding party. Sherry and her little girls were especially sweet! I loved the little princess dresses! I still can't believe you found those at the Disney store. I know Sami and Evan had a BLAST playing with Maddie, Emma and the rest of the kids that were there.

My feet, however, did not enjoy the wedding reception. Mom, Em, Heidi and I volunteered to help them out because the caterer baled out at the last minute due to some health issue. I worked for as long as I could, until Mom, Emily, Heidi and Greg all forced me to lay down on the couch just off the kitchen and put my feet up. My feet were SO SWOLLEN. Greg said it was the worst he'd ever seen them. Oops. Oh well. I'm fine. I'm sure it was more the weather than anything.

Sunday was the wonderful, fantastic Holtmeyer family reunion, AKA The Chicken Reunion. First stop, Emily & Kevin's house for the pre-reunion party, where the chicken was slllloooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cooked. Sami & Evan had fun playing house while chicken was cooking, and everyone else had fun drinking a leftover keg from the wedding (yes, it was prior to noon, the lushes), visiting and telling stories-- It was fun listening to stories about Richard, Dad, and Randy at our Great-Grandparents. We also heard stories that were told to them about Grandpa Bruns and his brothers-- like the one about someone being put in the center of a coil of barbed wire and the coil bounced out of the back and down the road with someone in it! Heidi thought Randy said something about it being Grandpa or Benny, but I thought that was just that one of them fell out of the back of the truck when Art was driving.

It was back to work today as usual! Ugh.

Attached are pictures from the shower, the quilt, as well as a few preliminary pictures of my belly that Steve Peterson, of took. The one of Greg is definitely one of my favorites. I hope we have time to take a few more with him-- maybe some where I actually have my hair and makeup done and don't look exhausted!

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