Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week 38: September 22-29th: False Alarm and Miserable

Well, we're at week 38. And I'm miserable.

Why? Well...
  • I can't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time, I now apparently snore when I lay on my back, so when I do get close to 20 minutes of solid sleep, Greg wakes me up because I'm snoring, so I roll over to one side, which quickly goes numb, and then I roll to the other side, which then goes numb, and then I roll back to my back, where we start all over again.
  • I developed his horrific pain in my hands, almost like an arthritic pain for the first hour or two after I wake up. It eventually goes away, but it hurts like hell, and I dread going to sleep at night and starting the whole process over again.
  • My feet hurt-- the swelling now never, ever goes down. Ever. It's always there. And the tops of my feet hurt like you wouldn't believe.
  • I'm congested, especially at night, so add that to my sleeping woes, as well-- all of the fluid goes to one side of my face, so I have to turn over to the other side so that drains, too.
  • Baby loves to bounce his head up and down on my cervix, causing nasty pains.
  • I'm having contractions, but nothing regular. Except for Friday, but more on that later.

So yeah, I'm miserable.

Last week was pretty uneventful until Friday. Greg had his usual work stuff going on, and I had my final trip to Lima on Tuesday for work.

Friday, however, I was scheduled to go to Findlay to finish up my clients in that area. It started out okay, although I felt like crap (as I typically do, as of late) in the morning. Around 10:30, I started having contractions. Not a big deal, I thought, until I realized they were coming every 11 minutes. By noon, they were every 8-10 minutes apart. I called Greg and let him know, and stopped at the Findlay office. I called Emily, who works in Findlay, to see if she would be able to follow me home. She flipped out that I was going to drive home, but I had to do SOMETHING with my work car. And the pain wasn't so terrible that I couldn't drive yet. SO, around 12:45, I headed home. I called L&D, who said when they're 3-5 minutes apart to come in, but in the meantime, take a shower and do some walking.

So, that's exactly what I did. I showered, and then walked around our little block until Greg got home. We continued timing contractions, which slowly whittled down to around 5-8 minutes apart. We spent that time working on finishing up our hospital bags. We decided to go over and get a good early dinner, since we didn't know what the night might bring (baby, maybe???) and hit Bob Evan's. After that, we went to Meijer's to walk around. We hit around 4 minutes while walking around the toy aisle. SO, we left Meijer's and called the hospital again. They then said to wait until I couldn't talk through the contractions. Okkkaaaayy... Did they think it was a walk in the park for me??? Seriously? SO, G & I decided to go an walk at City Park. We made it about half way around, and contrax hit 2-3 minute and were extremely painful and I couldn't talk through them.

SO, off to L&D we went. And they promptly slowed down soon after I laid down on the bed to start monitoring. SERIOUSLY?!? Seriously. I'm at 1cm dilated and 70% effaced, and made no progress despite the stinking contractions. By the time we got home, they were even further apart and continued to slow down throughout the whole damn night.

At this point, I'm still having contractions, but they're sporatic. SO, back to work on Monday and the wait continues.

Sorry, Lindsey, doesn't look like baby is going to make an appearance before your wedding.

We did make it to Evan's soccer game Saturday morning. He wasn't quite as good as he was 2 weeks ago, but I have a feeling its because he's missed all but one practice because he's been so bad at school. He was on red 3/5 days last week. The week before I think he was on blue or red every except Friday. None of us have any idea what to do about his behavior, or even what's causing it. Naptime was the issue, but towards the end of the week, he was acting out- One day he threw blocks and laughed at the teacher when she got after him, and then another day it was throwing a football in the classroom or something like that. Now, he's telling us the teacher is mean to him, and that's why he's on red-- which we know is bologna. SO I guess the honeymoon with the new school is over, and we're back to square one. Punishment every night that he's on red is that he sits in his bedroom on his bed, with no toys whatsoever until dinnertime. After dinner, he gets his bath, which is all business, no play, and then he goes straight to bed. We keep the same schedule when he's with us-- he's in his jammies when Dani picks him up. The only discussion he's allowed to talk about at dinner is what happened at school. I feel kindof bad for Dani, since she has to bear the brunt of the punishments! Unfortunately, I don't think this has much of an effect on him. He just doesn't seem to care about the punishment. He just takes it.

On another subject, I finally got to go sailing today! It was a BEAUTIFUL day, with just enough wind. We were out for about 2 hour. I feel bad that I haven't been able to go out until a few weeks before the boat gets pulled, but the weather just hasnt' been cooperative!

Anyway, attached are a few pics from Ev's game yesterday.

Love y'all,

1 comment:

Sherry Yaple said...

Oh the memories! I remember my last few weeks before the each of the girls arrived and I don't envy you! (Well, that's only partly true; I miss the really little ones, just not all the stuff you go through to get to that!) It seems cliche to tell you that it'll all be worth while but it really is once you get to hold that tiny little being in your arms.

And in case we don't hear from you for's to an easy and safe labor!! Wishing you guys the best!!