Monday, September 1, 2008

Week 35: September 1-7th: Evan's Birthday!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVAN!!!! I cannot believe you're 5! How'd that happen?!?

We had a good week this week. Tuesday was back to work as usual. Greg and I both worked late-- he had a meeting and I had a new client. Wednesday was the same. We didn't have Evan on Wednesday this week, we had him on Thursday because Dani had a late meeting. SO, we did a little last minute birthday shopping, hit Grounds for Thought, and then came home and watched a movie or TV or something not very exciting.

Thursday, Evan spent the afternoon with us until about 6:30. We took him over to Grandma & Papa V's house for the evening while Greg & I went to our prepared childbirth meeting. I swear, they could get this meetings done in 2 if they would stop repeating the same thing over and over and over and over again. bah. We did the hospital tour, though, and saw all the rooms that we might potentially be utilizing. She took the whole bed apart and talked non-stop. But, it's information that we have to know, I'm sure. SO, we now know it. Next two weeks should be a breeze-- breastfeeding and caring for your child in the first year. After that, we're done... We'll only have a few weeks left to go! Oh wait, we only have a few weeks left to go now!

Friday, we picked up Evan and I can't remember what we did. I don't think it was much. I think we were all pretty tired-- Evan played with his toys and Greg & I continued to straighten up for Evan's birthday party on Sunday. Saturday was more of the same, with me working on food for the party.

Sunday was the big day. We ran errands and picked up the cake in the morning and then Evan napped in the afternoon while G & I finished things up. Can I just say that I need to learn to make LESS food? It always seems like its not very much when I'm making it, though. I like a variety of foods so people have things to choose from. I guess I'm too much like my mom. I make way too much. Oh well. It was all good: Burgers, hot dogs, 7-layer salad, snicker salad, cantalope, chips and corn-on-the-cob (Evan's request). But THEN, Em brought watermelon, and Myra brought grape salad (YUM) and taco dip (DOUBLE YUM). I was a very happy pregnant lady. LOL. And I think my dad & Em were pretty happy with the taco dip too. lol.

Evan got WAY too much for his birthday. THANK YOU everyone. Especially for the books. Even if HE didn't act too appreciative of them by the end, Greg and I DEFINATELY were. You all know what bookworms he & I are, and we want the boys to be the same way. I want a bookcase FULL of kids books by the time they're grown up, just like we did. This morning, he told us that he wanted use his new workbooks so he can start reading today, so we'll be posting some pictures of that sometime soon.

Unfortunately, the transformers and Greg and I got for him were WAY too complicated. The one broke as soon as Greg took it out of the box. SO, they went to Wal-mart today and exchanged it for a different one that supposidly was easier, but I swear, it's taken Greg just as long to work on it, and I think I've heard as many explicatives as I did last night. SO, I don't know if the mission was accomplished or not. "Wow, that was a process" was the sentance he just uttered.

They also used his giftcard that Aunt Emily and the gang got him, and bought a Legos Martian space ship kit. He's anxious to get started on that, too.

He tried on his pants and his "shit kickers" as Emily and Greg lovingly call them. They're all too big, so they fit PERFECTLY. Woo hoo!

We're laying low today, and just watching the hurricane blow through Louisiana and praying Lindsey's okay as well as her apartment and car! Fortunately, she's moved up Northeast of Baton Rogue to ride out the storm with her unit. Of course, I would imagine she'll be part of the cleanup process. Sounds like its not nearly as bad as they were predicting, but it also sounds like its going to be a crazy fall for her-- there are now 4 more storms forming in the Atlantic. She cracked me up all week, though. She's been crazy excited about this storm coming through. It was like talking to the tasmanian devil, she was talking a mile a minute, and you could just tell she was reved up and ready to go.

SINCE SEVERAL PEOPLE DIDN'T TAKE THEIR LEFTOVERS HOME, Greg, Evan, & I, along with Kyle are going to eat leftovers today and for the next week. bah.

In baby news, we're in week 35 now.. 5 weeks (give or take!) left. YIKES, YIKES, and QUADRUPLE YIKES. We're both flipping out. I had a couple of PAINFUL contractions yesterday as we were leaving Meijer's, within 20 minutes of each other. I took it easy for an hour after we got home, and then I was fine. No more contractions AT ALL. So I'm fine. No freaking out, people. (AKA MOMS). We did make a trip on Wednesday night to the hospital to get checked out. Baby gave us a little freak-out of our own. He hadn't moved much all day, which was fairly typical, but then he didn't move at all in the evening. I tried EVERYTHING. I drank a TON of powerade in about 2 minutes to sugar him up and see if that would get him going. I tried changing positions. Finally, around 10:30, I gave up and called the OB department. They said to come on in and they would monitor me. We got there, they had me sign paperwork for myself and then also as the guardian FOR MY BABY! Wierd! I gave a urine sample and then they strapped me to the monitors and gave me icewater. My bloodpressure was really high-- 170s/80s. His heartbeat was fine, and he finally started squirming around 11:30 or so. We made it home by midnight. So it was a short trip, but it was still a little tense. My BP started coming down right away-- they said that was probably due to nerves, and by the time we left, it was still a little high, but the lower number was back where it was supposed to be. There were no proteins in my urine, so everything was okay.

He's now about 5 1/2 pounds and 18 inches long. YIKES! Getting big! Now, he's busy packing on the pounds. Starting this week, we'll be making trips to the doctor on a weekly basis-- usually every Friday at this point.

Alrighty! Next week is the shower! Hope y'all are able to come to the party. It should be fun! Em and Heidi have been busy preparing for it.

Love you all!


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