Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29, 2007: The Big Ultrasound... It's a Boy!!!!

We had our big Ultrasound today. Everything is fantastic, and we're measuring right on our due date-- 10.9.08!

Oh, and it's a boy.

I have to send a HUGE apology out to my dad. I accidently told him on the phone today when I found out Mom was talking to Grandma Refsell. I asked if Mom told Grandma is it was a boy. He was SO mad. I SWEAR, it was a complete accident. But, as Greg said-- did he really expect Evan and Sami to keep it a secret? Really?

Anyway! We're excited. Oh, and don't ask what we're naming him. We're not telling anyone. So that'll be a surprise. =-)

Love, jenn


Anonymous said...

LOL!! thats awesome.. yea with miss sami and mr evan, there is no way thats going to stay a secret.. he's better off knowing.. LOL!

Anonymous said...

You know.. i was looking at the pictures of the baby, and its kind of scary.. its his skull, sorry bad i know.. but still kind of scary picture...