Sunday, June 1, 2008

Week 22: June 1-7th Dishwashers and Hospitals.

We're up to Week 22! Hard to believe we're on the downhill slope of this pregnancy- Only 18 weeks left to go! Our baby boy is really kicking up a storm now! I feel him almost constantly. Soon, I'm sure Greg will be able to feel him, too. I think Magic (our cat) already does feel him once in a while. yesterday, she was snuggled up next to me sleeping and baby kicked pretty hard. She stood up, glared at my stomach, and moved up closer to my chest. lol. Poor kitty is in for a rude awakening soon.

Okay, let's see... Week 22 baby update.... Baby now weighs about a pound and is around 12 inches in length! Hard to believe, isn't it?!? changes from week-to-week fruit to month to month starting this week. I'll have to see if I can find another fruit comparison chart since I know how much you all enjoy that, but for this month, baby is a papaya! According to the nest, baby is able to hear us from the outside. states that his inner-ear has developed, so once he's walking, he'll have a sense of balance. Baby also has a lot of extra skin right now, as he slowly begins to fill out. Oh, and baby now has a fairly defined sleep cycle. I need to start paying attention to those kicks more and when they're occurring. I'll be able to tell when he's sleeping and when he's awake. It should be around 12-14 hours a day that he sleeps. Hopefully, his sleep cycle will remain the same as MINE, but I won't hold my breath.

THANK YOU to Rick VV, Greg's pop, with the handy-dandy light-holding abilities of my dad, Jerry. They installed the dishwasher today!!! yeah!!! Greg started helping, but suddenly got violently ill. More on that in a minute. Dad came over and helped Rick for a bit with the project so Greg could sleep and barf in peace. Whew! Rick's just now finishing up, taking everything out to his car right now. I think they managed to do it in about 5 hours or so. Yeah guys! So now, I won't have to do my most hated task-- dishes! Woo hoo! Nor will we have to worry about washing bottles all the time. AND THANK YOU to my folks for getting us the dishwasher! It runs FANTASTICALLY. WE're so happy!

Back to Greg... for whatever reason, Greg seems to have been hit by a freight train today in the form of a stomach bug. All of a sudden, he became cold and clammy and was dry heaving. He threw up his lunch. I don't think it was food poisoning, because he and Rick ate the exact same thing for lunch. And he and I ate the same thing for supper last night. SO, it must be a bug. Scared me a little when I came home from my folks today. He was sprawled out on the floor in the bathroom. He actually had me call his boss at Movie Gallery to tell him there was no way he would be in tonight. So I KNOW he's not feeling well. We'll see what happens, I suppose. If he doesn't start drinking more, he's going to the hospital to get checked out. I don't want him getting dehydrated!

Grandpa Bruns is back in the hospital again. He gave us a pretty good scare Friday night. They said that his kidneys appeared to be shutting down and he couldn't keep anything down. They're going to do an EGD (basically put a camera on a wire down his throat to his stomach) and see if there's a blockage of some sort. He ate a little yesterday. Not sure how he's doing today. I'll probably stay away since Greg's sick so I don't give him something else. I'd love to know why the nursing home let him get to the point where he was this bad before they finally sent him to the hospital. That REALLY bugs me. He should not have been dehydrated to the point that his kidneys were shutting down! Grrr.

Evan is in Florida now. He left on Friday morning and flew down to Tampa. He's now at his grandparents with his mom. He called Greg on Friday when they landed, and Greg asked him if he was in Florida, and he kept telling him no, not yet. Dani finally had to explain that he doesn't think he's in Florida until he gets to his grandparents. Not sure what they have planned for the week, but I'm sure they'll have a good time.

OH! We registered for the baby on Friday and yesterday. Friday, we went to Babies'r'us and yesterday, we went to Target. Can I just say that registering for a baby is way more difficult than registering for a wedding?? It was so much thinking and deciding. It wasn't QUITE the fun process that I had hoped it would be. It was really stressful! We had to really look at things and decide what was practical and what was not. The part that really has me stressed out is deciding on bottles! Good lord. Do you know how many bottles there ARE out there?!?! TOO many!!! And don't even get me started on the breast-feeding supplies. I gave up on that and told Greg we were just going to buy that stuff ourselves, since I don't even know if I'll be able to breastfeed due to my surgical scars. But, we picked out some things that we like, and I guess we'll go from there. If anyone has any suggestions for things that we need to get yet, fire away.

I think I mentioned that we bought a crib a few weeks ago. We bought the high chair yesterday. We are SO excited about it. We knew which HC we wanted, and when we looked at it, they had it on CLEARANCE!!! SO, rather than risking NOT getting it, we went ahead and bought it. It's a wooden highchair made by Eddie Bauer. Neither one of us like the plastic ones, and now all of them come with TOYS attached to the trays.. Now who's the genius who thought up that idea?! Baby's going to end up playing rather than eating. And no, most of the toys did not come off. Duh.

I'm feeling pretty good. The latest development for me is that I'm having some severe right hip pain that comes and goes. Usually, it gets bad when I'm walking. I'll be walking, and my hip will just give out. How strange is that? I'm going to call my OB tomorrow morning and see what they say about it. Hopefully, its just something typical that has to do with the pregnancy.

Alright. I think I've rambled enough for today. We continue to be excited about our little boy. I'm excited to say that I get to continue calling them all "my boys". And Evan is excited to have a brother. I think he would have been disappointed if it was a girl. Cole will now have a partner in crime, as well. Should be mildly entertaining.



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