Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week 18: May 5-11. Happy Birthday, Cole!

It was a so-so week. Not a whole lot to report.

I've definately "popped" and I look pregnant, instead of having a big tummy. I'll get Greg to take a picture of me tomorrow after I get off work so y'all can see and add to it to post.

This week, baby is a Sweet Potato! He or she is about 5.6" long and weighs 6.7 oz. We're almost halfway to that pound mark! says that baby is "surprisingly mobile, yawning, hiccupping(!), rolling, twisting, punching, sucking and swallowing". Go baby! It also says that I *should* be able to feel movement soon. I think I felt something yesterday day, like a tap on the side of my belly, but I haven't felt anything since. The website says that it could be as late as 20 weeks before I definitively feel anything, and 22 weeks before I feel things regularly. SO, we'll see! I hope its sooner than later! I think that'll make things seem more real!

It was a pretty uneventful week for me. Greg's got a cold, and I think both of us have a little bit of the allergy thing going on. I managed to go the whole week without taking a nap after work or even on the weekends, which is SHOCKING.

We hit a couple of garage sales Friday night and Saturday morning, but didn't find much of anything, although I did buy a few neutral sleepers for the baby. Against my own personal feelings, I bought a couple of onsies... I don't know... It's just weird to me-- like buying used underware... Thoughts on this, anyone? People say "you can bleach them", but seriously, would you buy underwear at a garage sale for yourself and bleach them?? Be honest!

We realized that we aren't going to be able to get the crib/changing table combo that we originally wanted. it's WAAAAAY too long for the wall we planned on putting the crib on. SO, we're going to get a regular crib-hopefully a pretty convertable bed instead. We'll have to look around some more and see.

We went to Cole's 2nd birthday party yesterday. I can't believe how big he's getting. And I can't believe how much he looks like these pictures that I've seen of Dad and Richard. Poor kid. lol! But the party was fun, and Em's friend, Pam, made some of the best guacomole that I've EVER had. It was soooooooooo good. I'll have to call her and get her recipe. Watching Cole open his presents was fun and quite amusing. He managed to make it to Charlie and Dana's present, which was about the 3rd gift. At that point, everything came to a dead stop. They bought him a Thomas the Train flashlight that made noise. It was all over. There was nothing that Kevin could do to get him focused back on the presents. So, Kevin got to open the gifts. We bought him a T-ball set, a t-shirt that said "Major Trouble" and an ambulence that made noise. Unfortunately, the ambulence wasn't quite as loud as I thought it was. We really tried to find a drum set to give to Cole, but couldn't find one. I was pretty bummed out about that. We'll find one by Christmas, though. Em keeps saying to remember that it'll come back to haunt me, but WHAT could possibly be worse that the crazy loud REAL drumset that we already have?

We also picked up the loft that used to be Heidi and Lindsey's from the barn. I'm hoping that all the parts are there and that we can get it cleaned up and together. I think Evan will really like this new bed once we get it up for him.

Anyway! That's about all there is to say. Like I said, it was a pretty quiet week. Neither of us had a whole lot going on with work, and Evan has settled into the routine of his new school, and has even had a few "bad" days. Not really bad, just being the usual leader-of-the-pack. He was told to sit "criss-cross-applesauce" (Indian-style) and he told the teacher "No, i don't want to. I want to sit like this" and sat flat on his bum with his legs out. That didn't go over well. (Go figure!) So he got into trouble for that.

Anyway! Have a great week!


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