Sunday, May 11, 2008

Week 19; May 12-19th Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful women in our lives!!

In baby news, we have a Mango. Baby is around 6" long and weighs about 8.5oz. According to, baby is now mimicing breathing and the sex organs are developing. For those of you who are curious, yes, we are finding out the sex of the baby! However, we will not be sharing the baby's name until baby is born.

Attached is a picture of me now! Definately pregnant!

Greg has decided on the nickname "Mulligan" for the pregnancy duration.

It's been a good week, plus a busy, busy workweek for me. I LOVE my job and everything that I do from a day-to-day basis. I'm happy, and I think I'm pretty darn good at it. I had an EXTRA long day on Friday. One of our long-time clients was discharged from the hospital in Lima, and I spent 2 hours at the hospital waiting for them to get their act together and then 3 hours with the client at home getting things in order, picking up scripts, etc. It was crazy. THEN, on my way home, I got a call that there was someone in BG that wanted to start service tomorrow. SO, rather than making someone come all the way up from Lima to get things done, I went ahead and took care of it. I ended up working until 10:00 that night. WHEW. But, it was worth it.

Wednesday night with Evan was good, until dinner. Then things got frustrating. We decided to go to dinner at Big Boy's. We gave him options for what he could have for dinner. . He insisted that he wanted fish. We explained that they were not fish sticks. He didn't care. He wanted fish. We even told the waitress chicken, and he corrected us! The food came, and Greg cut his fish up. We noticed that he was eating all of his fries, but none of his fish. We told him he had to eat 3 pieces of fish before he could have another fry. Next thing we knew, he was crying. Augh! So, we told him that we're not going out to eat anymore... We did qualify it, and told him that we weren't going out to eat for his next two weekend visits-- no ice cream, no breakfast with Grandparents, no donuts (HUGH deal to him). Greg talked to Dani (Evan's mom) about it, and she gave us a few suggestions. She also took his fish home with her. She said that not long after they got home, he said he was hungry- so she whipped out his fish. lol! He whined about it for about 20 minutes, but then he got the idea and he ate it. We need to learn to sit and be patient at dinner, too.

We went to the Cygnet garage sales on Saturday. Unfortunately, we didn't find much for eBaying, but we did find some stuff for the baby. Evan even insisted on buying the baby a pair of "shit-kicker" (as Greg affectionately calls them) boots! Too stinking cute. The coolest buy was a fetal heart monitor that we bought for a buck. I'm not sure that we've really heard much of anything yet, but Evan thinks he did, and was SO excited about it. I looked up the instruction manual on-line, and it says we'll be able to hear best after the 5th month. SO, we're almost there.

Evan and Greg bought me a very sweet gift for Mother's Day-- A Willow tree figure of a mom with a little boy standing at her side and a baby in her lap. I love it. My boys are so good to me.

We bought flowers for our mothers and grandmother's yesterday. Evan did a good job picking out the flower pots. He delivered flowers to Grandma V yesterday and spent some time with her in the afternoon. His mom picked him up at seven in the evening. It was a short weekend, but a very good one.

Today (Mother's Day), was a day of non-stop eating. First, we went to Steve and Donna's (G's Aunt and Uncle) and had chicken BBQ dinner with the whole Lance family (his mom's side). We asked his cousin, Brooke, to be a godmother. She's such a sweet person, very loving and will be a great influence on our child.
After lunch, we went home for a few hours, and I made yummy green beans to take to my mom's. We got there around 5, and ate MORE food there-- Pork-a-Leans. Yum! Both Greg and I feel like we're going to explode!

Only 2 1/2 more weeks until the ultrasound!! Yeah!

Again, Happy Mother's day!! There are so many women in my life that have meant so much to me and have had such an influence over me, but there are several in particular that I would like to single out....
My mom has always been so wonderful in general to me. She's so patient and kind. She's always around for us when we need a shoulder to cry on, reassurance and help us through the pain in our lives. She's also been with us to share our joy and loves us like no one else does. Thank you for that, Mom.. You've been the most wonderful influence on me and I know that I will be a fantastic mother because I've had you to model myself after.

The two other women I want to single out are my grandmothers. They are the strongest women I know, and are what drives me in my career. They have both been caregivers to my grandfathers... One with Alzheimer's and one with general debility. I'm always amazed when I watch them with my grandpa's. You can see how much they love their husbands. They treat them with such dignity and respect. I love both of you so much.

Almost halfway through the pregnancy!!!



Anonymous said...


Jennifer Van Vorhis said...

it's there now!! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

holy cow your huge! just kidding! I luv you!! *hugs* i can't wait until this little one is born!