Sunday, May 18, 2008

WEEK 20!!!!! Half-way there!

It's Week 20! Can you believe it?!? We're halfway there!

According to, baby is a Cantalope this week (holy crap!), measuring 6 1/2" long and weighing 10.6oz! Baby's digestive system is now working and forming that black, tarry meconium. Yum. Genitals are also now fully formed.

I'm certainly FEELING more and more pregnant every day. It's getting to be a pain in the neck to try to bend over at the waist. I tend to forget and UFF-Da! I'm already making Greg tie my shoes when we're out walking around. LOL! I tell him it's good practice as I get bigger.

I hadn't felt much baby movement yet, but guess what! As I was typing this, I felt a couple of thumps! Soon enough, Greg will be able to feel them, too!

It's been a pretty uneventful week. Greg's cut back at Movie Gallery, and its been REALLY nice having him at home. We went to garage sales yesterday. Didn't find a WHOLE lot, but I did find some really old quilt tops. We put those on eBay last night. They already have a ton of people watching them! Woo hoo! I'm hoping they go for good amount! OH, wait-- we did find one very important baby item! We bought a crib! $60, still in the box! It's a Graco converter bed. SWEET! We bought a couple of other eBay items, but outside of that, it was pretty uneventful!

On the eBay note-- Grandma! Make sure you're checking out our listings! We've been putting tons of your stuff up. We've got ONE box left over at Mom and Dad's, and then I think we're done! Greg's been working like mad to get all of the magazines and catalogs written up.

I've decided to try to make sure I'm walking (maybe biking) at least a little each day, so last night, Greg and I went for a walk on the trail-- I think we figured it was about 1/2-3/4 of a mile. Just enough for the first walk. It was chilly, and getting late, so that was far enough. We'll go further as it gets warmer!

Let's see....OH, I bought flowers for my pots this weekend! I went to Joseph's Greenhouse yesterday and Lennard's Greenhouse today. Mom went with me today. She spent WAY too much money-lol! She's a sucker for geraniums, and I have to admit, they were some really pretty ones and even a couple of unusual looking ones. I stepped outside the box this year and bought a couple geraniums and marigolds myself. I don't usually like those particular types, but these were rather pretty. =-) I was going to pot them today, but it keeps raining and even hailing!

LOL-- speaking of rain and hail... Poor dad drove his motorcycle to Lodi, Ohio to meet up with a bunch of other motorcyclers. Duh. Next time, check the weather before you leave! I'll bet that was a COLD ride!

Not much news on the Evan front. He had to call Greg the other day-- He was playing air guitar and singing and just HAD to tell him about it. School continues to be pretty good. He still has his moments, but nothing outside of the normal pre-school moments. When I picked him up on Wednesday, he was on yellow because he got tagged out in a game of Shark (like tag), and didn't want to follow the rules. He ended up throwing a temper tantrum when the teacher tried to enforce the rules. BUT, the rest of this day was good. SO, our next project is working on the actual rules of the game instead of the "Evan" rules of the game.

Anyhoo... .I think that's just about everything. 12 days left until the BIG ultrasound!!!!

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