Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 31: August 4th-10th. Wood County Fair, Baseball and Combine Derby, oh my!

It was a great week this week.

The issue from last week has settled down on my end. I just roll my eyes and roll with the punches. There are still troubles, mostly with certain parties saying that neither I, nor my boss (who do this professionally) know what we're talking about or that we have any expereince. Nice, huh? OH, and they keep un-doing what we've done without ever allowing it at chance to work.

I'm FINE, and so is baby, according to the doctor. Baby has been crazy busy inside this week, stretching and moving what seems to be non-stop. He appears to have taken up residence in the spot previously reserved for my lungs and stomach, causing me shortness of breath, SERIOUS heartburn (I thought it was bad before-- I knew nothing then) and a sudden inability to bend over and pick up objects off the floor.

Tuesday was baseball- Mom and Dad decided to go to a game with me. Unfortunately, we got there right as the game was ending!! They went ahead and started early rather than practicing, since it was so hot. I felt horrible. You should have seen Evan though! He was FILTHY!!! Dirt everywhere. It was fantastic.

Wednesday, we had Rick & Myra over for dinner. I made western ribs with corn-on-the-cob. We had a great time visiting-- I got to sit and chat with Myra while Rick, Greg & Evan played ball. You should see Evan hit those balls--He hits them over the house about 1/2 the time. It's crazy!!
Thursday, Greg & I managed to make it to Evan's baseball game. Evan does really well, except that he has a really hard time understanding the concept of waiting his turn-- he also tries to coach the coach. We all have to work on his understanding that the coach is the boss, not Evan. lol. I went to a pampered chef party and bought some fun things there. Yeah! Thanks for inviting me, Janelle!

Friday, we picked Evan up, and as we were passing by Paglia's Pizza, Evan said he wanted to go there. SO, we ran our errand, and then went there. YUM! We hung around the house after that, and then everyone went to bed early.

Saturday was uneventful, as well. We did a few errands, and some cleaning. Greg & Evan went fishing, and Evan is FINALLY getting over his fear of the worms, even picking one up out of the dish and HOLDING it without protection from a towel. VERY impressive.

Sunday, I went to church while the boys slept in. In the afternoon, we went to the Wood County Fair. Can I just say that I enjoy the Pemberville Fair SO much more than this particular fair? We walked around for a little while, drank lemonade, and ate food that I'm sure will show up on the scale when I go to the doctor's next week. We met up with Grandma & Papa V and Evan finally ate something (I think he was too excited when we first got there). We went over and looked at all the rides (again) and he got his picture taken by a sign with Papa's nickname for him-- Scooter. Very cute. Then, the three of them went to the combine derby together. Greg and I felt that maybe they all needed some one-on-one time with his grandparents without us being there, so we opted out of going and went home instead. Plus, the idea of sitting on those bleachers yesterday just didn't appeal to me! I can't wait to see pictures, though!! Evan talked NON-STOP on the phone about it. I'm sure the three of them had a fantastic time, and I think this is becoming a tradition for the three of them.

I think that's about everything!! I'll post pictures later on!


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