Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 30: July 28th-August 3rd. Holy cow! We're down to 10 weeks!!

Whoa. Week 30. We have 10 weeks to go. How'd that happen?

It's been a crazy week, starting with Evan's first Tee Ball GAME on Tuesday. It was quite the experience, and I'll include lots of pictures in this post. It started out with practice and then they played two innings of "ball". Believe me when I say it, but this is more than enough. Evan was easily one of the best players on the team, and I'm not exaggerating. He hit the ball the furthest out of all the kids that got up to bat, and managed to throw the ball pretty darn close to home. During the first inning in the field, the goober followed this little girl named Chloe all around the bases FLIRTING with her. Then, when she was out on the field he proceeded to PROFESS his love to her all the way across the field-- "HEY CHLOE, I LOVE YOU!!!". I wish I could have gotten that on video, but it was so unexpected.

Wednesday, of course, was Evan day. We had a picnic in the park, played on the playground for a while and then went to a program that the library put on that evening about books and bugs. We didn't get to stay for the whole thing, but we still had fun.

Friday, we attending a wedding reception for someone from the Sentinel. It was the neatest reception-- very unique, and so much like something Lindsey Annie would do- They did a nature theme, and are huge fans of the national parks. All of the tables were names of national parks, and instead of placards, they had the wooden national park emblems with our names engraved on them. Very cool. Oh-- and they had a swing band.

Saturday, we (well, mostly Greg) worked all day. We (and yes, we) refinished the new (old) sideboard, then he and dad moved it to our house and moved the old one out. Greg did some fantastic carpentry work and added shelves to the sideboard, and also repaired a drawer all by himself. I was very proud of him. I took a nap, mostly to stay out of the way, and partially because I just didn't feel well (I blame it on the refinishing fumes) and Greg then proceeded to re-assemble the millions of cords that go to our electronics. That alone took more than two hours. It was crazy. Bless him for having the patience to do it and know how to figure it out. I sure as heck can't.

Sunday and Monday, well, I'm not going to say much in specifics, but there was a lesson that I learned, and I guess I feel like I need to share more to get it out of my system than anything else. I'm sure that parties that were involved will know what I am talking about and who they are.

You learn in life that sometimes, people are nasty and just not nice in general and never will be. They will always put on a fake front and stab you in the back when your guard is down. Sometimes, those people are friends, but sometimes, they're family. I guess I should have learned that almost two years ago, but i allowed a second chance and even let my guard down, allowing this person into my thoughts, and even into my home recently. I attempted to help a family member, and I got burned. Badly. I've learned in life that it is necessary to cut ties with certain people. I had to do it with some friends a few years ago, and now, I have to do it with a family member.

After many tears and even some contractions, and feeling like I could have taken some serious financial and professional losses because of this person, I've learned the hard way that sometimes, you can't even trust family. It was a tough lesson to learn, but with the support of my immediate family, as well as a very understanding boss, I got through today, even ending it with a smile on my face.

I know that with family, some interaction will be unavoidable, but as far as I'm concerned, this person doesn't deserve my respect nor will they receive it any longer.

I pride myself on being a very trusting person, who is extremely close to family and cares and loves people deeply and whole heartedly. Greg and I had a long talk yesterday about how I maybe care a little too much. Maybe he's right, but I hope he's wrong. I hope that this experience doesn't destroy my love of people and helping them. I don't want to be jaded. I hate people who are jaded. But I think I'll be a little more cautious from now on with family and friends who ask for or are offered assistance. I think I've probably learned to distance myself more in these types of situations.

ON a brighter note, and I'm sure I've alarmed a few people with that "C" word.. Baby is fine. I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow just to make sure I'm not dilating or anything like that. They think that it's just braxton hicks and maaaaybe a contraction caused by stress over the past couple of days based on my description of what it felt like. But he has been kicking up a storm all day today giving me heartburn like you wouldn't believe. Baby is looking less wrinkled on the outside and his brain is gaining wrinkles!! His brain also can control all breathing and sucking. Oh, and he now has finger and toe nails!

We've been watching Planet Earth, the documentary made for Blu-Ray. There are some ADORABLE polar and black bears that we have seen so far. Greg said I can adopt a bear cub, with stipulations and I quote: "For a week. And then they might kill you and that would suck. So after a week, he must go back." My search for an adopt-a-bearcub-for-a-week shall now begin. I'll keep you posted on that.

Anyway. That's about it!

-jenn & greg

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