Sunday, August 10, 2008

Week 32: August 11th-17th Birthday surprise!!!

Hello everyone! It was yet another busy week in the Van Vorhis family. Tuesday was Evan's baseball game again. Grandma and Papa V were able to attend, along with Greg and myself. Evan continues to be quite the ball player, but we're also learning that we need to work on the concept of SHARING with him, along with the idea that he is not in charge. He literally runs from the beginning of the game until the end while they were in the outfield. It doesn't matter where the ball goes, Evan follows it. He'll be on 3rd base, and when the ball goes flying to the right outfield, Ev goes running. Granted, so does half of the other team, but he tends to fight for the ball and win. One child came up from the pile (again, he wansn't the only one involved) crying, and in another incident, his friend from school, Breanna, got a mouthful of dirt, partially in thanks to Evan. That time, only Evan was involved. He also tries to tell the coach what to do, as well as what the other kids should do. These coaches are SO patient. I don't know how they do it!

Wednesday night, my folks were over for dinner. It was nice- we got to visit, and they got to see Evan hit the ball over the house (yes, he hits the ball over the house). After Evan left, Greg and I went to Grounds for Thought. It's been a while since we've done that, so it was nice!

Thursday was our first "Prepared Childbirth class". Eh. It was kindof overrated, at least for the first class. 99% of it, I'd already heard before or read. And Greg and I felt OLD in there. There's one couple who looks like they're no more than 15 years old (seriously-- the "significant other" was wearing a t-shirt that said "I know, go to my room"). Another couple looks like they're no more than 20.

I also had my regularly scheduled doctor's appointment on Thursday. All is well and good. =-) Heartrate was 138-145. He moves quite a lot now! The nurse practitioner and I had a nice talk and really discussed the whole contraction thing in depth, which was nice. The male doctors hadn't really explained it well enough for me to understand.

Friday night, Greg started power washing the porch. He did an AWESOME job on it! Some of those boards look brand new. We didn't do a whole lot else, other than I made cookies and worked on our bookshelves some more.

Saturday, Greg continued working on the porch. At 3pm, we left, though Greg had no idea where we were going or what we were doing. All he knew is that it was his birthday surprise. I took him to Detroit, MI to see his favorite band, Poison, play. That's what the pictures are of at the beginning of the blog. He was SO surprised, and very excited. He had resigned himself to not being able to go to a concert this year, and was pretty bummed about it. We made it up to the area, (it was a LOOOOONNNG, HARROWING drive-- I hate Detroit and their roads. We had to take like 4 detours.) and I took him to Outback Steakhouse for his birthday dinner. We then went to the concert. I had a moment of panic-- one of the opening acts said something about someone in Poison being sick, and we thought maybe they weren't going to go on-- it was already rolling on to 9am, and they were supposed to go on at 8. But, they came on. Bret, the lead singer, had a horrible cold and sore throat and just sounded aweful when he talked, but it wasn't too bad. They didn't play everything they normally did, but they did play most. Greg didn't drink much, MOMs. He only had 2 Bud Lights while early in the shows. He was too worried about me. We were in the last row of the pavillion seats, and people were jostling us quite a bit from behind, even though security tried their hardest not to allow it. I got some beer poured on me and *I* almost decked a girl for doing it. She was so drunk. I grabbed her arm and yelled at her to stop. She apologized and walked away. lol. The only time I was a little scared was when we were heading towards the restroom and people were jammed into the walkway with nowhere to go. There was a fight about 3 people ahead of me and I was getting pushed into a railing. The bathrooms were ridiculous at this place-- We waited in line for like 1/2 an hour to get into the restroom. I probably should have gotten a security guard to help me get up there sooner. Oh well. We still had a blast.

Today, we have Evan! We're taking him to his Mudhen's game that he earned for making good choices at school. I'll add pictures later on. His next goal is touchdowns on his chart for football games. Woo hoo! We'll take him to see a BGSU or high school game.

In baby news, Everything is going very well! Baby is VERY active. I'm getting braxton hicks on a regular basis, usually at night now. My whole belly gets hard as a rock. Fortunately, they don't hurt. It's just a little uncomfortable. Baby likes to nestle right up under my lungs and use my stomach as a punching bag still. So I'm always short of breath and dealing with acid reflux. Can I just say that the makers of Pepsid are my personal heros? He moved quite a lot during the concert last night. Apparently, he's going to be a Poison fan like his daddy. He moves ALL the time now, although late evening seems to be his favorite time. My whole belly moves. Its very bizzare to watch, but also very fun. We have settled on a name, although again, we're not sharing with anyone until he is born. I think everyone will like his name, though. =0)

UPDATE:: The baseball game was a ton of fun. The Mudhen's lost, 6-7, to the Norfolk Tides, but we still had a great time. After the game was over, Evan got to run the bases, and we watched the firework show. We got him home around 11pm. G & I got home about 11:45. SO, it was a very late night. We had fun, as always. I think next year, we'll be getting lots of tickets to games. The price is right, and Evan loves it. SO, it makes it worth it.

Anyway, not much else to report.

Love ya all!


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