Monday, August 25, 2008

August 25th-31st: 34 Weeks and Counting down! Oh Holy Hell.

***I'm still waiting to find out just WHO reads this blog- i know people do-- I hear about it all the time. Tell me, tell me!

WHERE did the time go. We're now at 34 weeks-- 6 weeks left-- maybe less! Yikes! How is that even possible?!? I mean really! And there is SO much to do!

We brought home the bassinet from storage at the Rental. Evan used it, as did Uncle Lance. It looks a lot like the one that Mom used for us girls, too. I got all the bedding washed-- yellow checked, and its all set up. Right now, it's in the boy's room, but it'll move into our bedroom once we move the bedside table from my side of the bed out for a few months. We'll have a cradle in the bedroom- Mom bought it for us girls to use when Sami was born. So, I'll get that set up sometime after the shower, I suppose! Em won't let me have it until then.

We have lots of great clothes for baby! Not sure we'll need much more, clothes-wise! We just need to get all the other "stuff"! Between our mom's and myself, we've done pretty good at getting some nice clothes for our little man. LOTS of baseball-themed stuff.. Even some Buckeyes stuff! I'd love to find a few more 0-3mo and 3-6mo Buckeyes outfits for this fall! I'll have to see what I can come up with!

I had my doctor's appointment on Friday. Everything continues to be going well. I'm actually measuring a little ahead, so we'll see what happens, I suppose. Our last childbirth class is this Thursday, and then we have breastfeeding and childcare in the first year classes left. We're doing a tour of the floor. Should be interesting. Sounds like we spend the majority of the class actually in the maternity ward.

Baby moves quite a lot lately. He's very good at moving non-stop when I don't want him to, and then when I want him to, like when Evan is around, he refuses to budge. He's in the head-down position now, though, so that's a good thing. At least that's what they say! I beg to differ sometimes. LOL. He likes to use my stomach as a kicking bag and his head as a compression for my bladder. I thought I had to pee so badly when we were in Wal-Mart today. And when I sat down to go, I think 3 drops came out. (TMI, I'm sure-- sorry-- just be glad I'm not telling you about the bowl issues. HAHAAH)

It was a quiet week again last week- more of the usual- meetings, Evan night and baby class. Ev & Greg played ball all night Wednesday- We picked him up early, since I was in Findlay, so he went home a little early. we didn't have to feed him dinner. I think G & I watched a movie that night.

Greg did take Monday off. He spent the day lounging around reading alllllll day. The slacker.

Thursday was the class all about c-sections, what happens if things go wrong, as well as a few other tidbits.

I took Friday and Monday off work, so it was a nice, long weekend for me, which of course went by way too fast. I spent Friday finishing off a few things, including doing bills (blah) and watching a few shows. By then, it was time for my dr's appointment!

Saturday, we cleaned out the closet in the boy's room- For those of you who have been here, the closet is huge-- it spans the entire wall. And well, it was chock-full of stuff. By the time we were done, we had managed to whittle it down to about 1/4 of the space occupied. Woo-hoo. We rock. Closet done. Kyle came over and we did Hobo dinners-- an interesting concoction those two enjoyed. We finally managed to ask the last person the be Godfather-- Kyle. So now everyone has been asked. Baby has his godparents all lined up from both sides of the family.

Janelle King called that night to let me know that the Pampered Chef stuff I'd ordered was in. So, we met up with her and her family over at the ice cream shop by the fairgrounds. Andrew is getting SO big. He was cracking me up with that grin. He looks like his Grandpa Fauver, that's for sure.

After we picked up the goods, we stopped at Greg's folks to drop of the PC stuff she'd ordered and for what was to be a "short visit". Hahaha! It's never short. We were there for about an hour and a half. Which was fine. =-) We always enjoy visiting them, and seem to have tons to talk about! She bought the most adorable clothes for baby and Evan at some garage sales, and as always, washed them all. They smelled SO good, and are in such fantastic condition.

Sunday, we had breakfast with my family. We TRIED to go to the Forks in P'ville, but guess what- -it didn't open until 11:30. SO, we went up to Stony Ridge to this place called Roadsters. It was SO good! Much better than our usual Sunday morning. I wonder if we can talk M&D into maybe Panera or another breakfast place once in a while. Big Boys is just getting old.

After that, Greg & I went to President Hayes house & museum. That was interesting. (and yes, EDUCATIONAL, Uncle Lance-- we plan to torture our kids with that stuff. muahahaha). We had a pretty good time, other than the fact that some family from NYC was in our tour group with this bratty kid who clearly didn't want to be there and kept disrupting the tour of the house. There was a fantastic display of quilts there-- all from NWOhio. Greg got some education in the fine art of quilting. hehe. I don't think he was all that impressed, except that he did seem to like the crazy quilts. He couldn't understand all the random embroidery in them, though, or why they're thought to be rather impractical.

We went home and relaxed the rest of the day-- reading and watching movies. I was pretty beat.

Today (Monday), we had both taken off work. We were going to go to Greenfield Village, but decided that it probably wasn't a good idea, given how slowly I moved the day before- I was pretty miserable. I was pretty upset about that, but we came up with something fun. We went to the Butterfly House in Whitehouse and then had a picnic of fried chicken and chips (healthy, I know) at Oak Openings Metropark and read books for a few hours. There were some ducks that came to visit us while we were reading at the park. They kept nibbling at my toes and one even stepped on my foot! It was fantastic. I wish we would have had the camera for that.

Anyway! That's about it! Oh-- These are some pics I took on Friday. 33 weeks 4 days along at the time of those pics! I feel (and look) about as big as a house these days!

--jenn & greg


Elaine said...

In light of Lindsey & Aaron's plans, earlier would be good!

Jennifer Van Vorhis said...

I'll see what I can do about that, but no promises!