Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 27: July 7-13th Where did the weekend go?!? continued...

It was a fun and very, very busy weekend. We had so much going on! Friday morning, we hit the ground running at 8am. Greg got to work on the final preparations for re-building the deck, and I picked up Mom and we headed out to some garage sales (they were a bust). Our Dads showed up sometime between 8:30-9:00 and the three guys got started on the deck. Mom and I went out and bought everything we needed for lunch, and I grilled pork-a-leans for everyone.

By the time 4pm rolled around, the floor of the deck was done, as well as the steps to the backyard! I was QUITE impressed. Dad, Mom & I went over to Grandma's to visit cousin Erik, who was on a very, very short leave for the holiday weekend. We visited for a little while and then Mom, Grandma, Emily, Sami and I went out and picked raspberries. We ended up picking 7 quarts!!! Whew! Grandma said she had picked 11 quarts the day before. Having people to chat with makes fast work of it, though.

By the time we got back to BG, around 6:45, they'd moved the shed back 13 feet! Our yard is HUGE now! Apparently, they had quite a bit of excitement while moving it. They rolled it on pipes using some machine from the rental to push it, and as it was rolling back, two skunks ran out from underneith it! One even ran over our neighbor's foot!! Fortunately, they didn't spray. That would have been a disaster, for sure. I have no idea how we would have gotten that smell out of them.

That evening, Evan came up for the rest of the weekend. He helped them out for a few more hours, and then we all got ready for fireworks. We met up with Emily & the gang, as well and Mom and Dad. While waiting, the kids did the little snap-pops that you throw on the sidewalk and bangers or whatever they're called that shoot out confetti. They loved those. Little Devin was telling Evan how to use the snaps. It was great. He kept telling him "That's right, buddy, that's how you do it". Kevin set off these glorified sparklers on sticks. Evan was mesmerized by those. Finally, the fireworks started. He really enjoyed them. Afterwards, while waiting for traffic, Evan got to do his first sparklers. He loved them! Greg was paranoid, so stayed away and didn't watch. I wish he would have! Evan was VERY careful. I'm surprised he was able to hold onto the stick, his fingers were holding the very, very, VERY end of it. But he really seemed to enjoy them once he got started. I'm really glad Greg let him participate. It's something every child needs to do at least once in a while (with very, very close adult supervision, of course!)

Alright! I have to go to work! I'll continue this tonight.

love, jenn


Anonymous said...

YAH!! Only a week to go and I'll be home!! oh yea, jen did you send a friends you might know this person to everyone about Aaron?? cuz he got friend request from our cousins!! i was laughing so hard when he told me! but i thought it might of been you!
Well gotta run! bye!!

Jennifer Van Vorhis said...

Well he's the one who sent me a FAMILY request. So I figured he needed to have our cousins on his friends list. lol