Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 27: July 7-13th Where did the weekend go?!? continued...

Alrighty, so here we go with the rest of this last week's blog. If you haven't notice, there are now THREE entries for this week-- so start below and work your way up to this one.

Saturday, work on the deck and yard continued. Greg did most of this himself.

I had a minor disaster with Evan's new bed. When I spray painted it, the wind must have kicked up a little, but the plastic sheeting that it was laying on billowed up and around the posts, sticking to it, and making a mess out of the paint job. SO, we ended up putting the bed together outside, sanding off the offending paint and re-spraying it. It turned out much better. We left it outside to dry overnight. Evan was SO excited about that silly bed. He was climbing up and down the ladder, and wanted on the bed part so bad- we had to put our foot down with that, though. I really can't remember what all we did that day. I know I ended up taking a nap when Evan did. I think I got a little overheated. OH, I know. We made another trip to Home Depot for more supplies, and I got really dizzy in the store. It's funny how things can sneak up on you when you're pregnant.

We ended up setting up Evan's tent that he got from Grandma and Papa V at Christmas this last year, and he got to have a campout Saturday night since his bed was still outside. He was thrilled.

Mom & Dad got the '66 Mustang running and brought it over. I FINALLY got to drive it! Granted, it was just around the block, but still! I got to drive it! HAHA!!!! Dad was driving in front of me a few hours later in it, and he was pulling away from me. I was surprised. The pony has some serious get-up-and-go still!!

That evening, we went to Fauver's and Sharps for a little summer party. It was a ton of fun. We figured out that it's been 20 years this summer since the Great American Western Tour with the Fauver's and Bruns'. Crazy! We spent a while reminscing about that incredible trip. My cousin, Dawn, went with us. I remember how she always said "ain't" and I think by the end of the trip, Dad broke her of saying it.. at least for a little while. LOL. If I remember correctly, she still says it. I also remember going to the four corners, the Grand Canyon (along with Laura & Lindsey's balancing act on the edge at the age of 2 or so) and the chicken pox epidemic. OH, the memories. Oh, and we can't forget the fantastic nicknames of our illustrious leaders: "Short-Cut" and "Wrong Way". I beleive it was also on this trip that we took a "3-hour tour" of the great Needles highway in a full-sized van with 12 or so people loaded in it. Oh, those were the days. I hope that one day we can torture our children on such trips.

Sunday was breakfast as usual. We set up Evan's bed when we got home, and then around noon, Greg and his dad got down to business outside. Evan was super whiney for some reason (we think he's going thru a growth spurt), so he went down for a nap. I went to Home Depot and bought 4 quarts of paint- All primary colors. We've decided to do primary colors, using the quilt that Grandma made for Evan's room as the inspiration- Yellow, Blue and green, with red and orange thrown in for good measure even though those colors aren't in the quilt. I started painting the changing table. Let me tell you-- it's loud. I think they mixed my green wrong. Instead of being a nice happy green, it's Poison Green (yes, like the music group). Seriously. So, it's VERY loud. I'm not quite sure what to do.. Do I primer it and start over or just go with it?? OH, the agony. I spent most of the afternoon working on that. Grrr.

Evan napped in his new bed-- for those of you who were worried about it, the rails are plenty high, and he LOVED it. Ground rules have been set, and we've been very clear that if he breaks the rules, the bed goes away. (God help us if he breaks the rules. i don't know what we'll end up doing with everything!

Let's see, what else. We still have a long way to go with Evan's room. But, we've started. So, that's something, right?

Speaking of beds, Guess what Greg's parents bought us as a wedding/birthday/birthday/Christmas gift?!? A new, queen-size bed. We are SO happy. It arrived on Thursday. Yeah! Thank you again for a fantastic gift.

In baby news, he moves ALL the time now. I don't think he took a break all day yesterday..... I hope that doesn't mean that he's going to be awake ALL the time. He certainly seems to have his days and nights straight, though. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the continues to sleep at night. Baby is about a foot in length and weighs just over 2 pounds. Baby still has a lot of growin to do over the next 13 weeks. Hard to believe that it's only another 92 days from today!! SO MUCH TO DO!!!!

Anyhoo!! I think that's about it. Attached are a few pictures from the weekend.


Anonymous said...

you know i noticed that, you don't put much info about how the baby is.. more of whats going on in your lives! thats alright, i like being able to read this and get the FULL update on you guys! see ya in a couple days!!

Jennifer Van Vorhis said...

At least everyone knows what WE'RE up to, unlike you guys!