Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 25: June 22-30 Stormy Start to Summer!

Holy smokes! It's the last week of the 2nd trimester. I cannot believe that we're rolling into the third tri already. This has quickly dawned on Greg & I this week, and we've rolled into nesting mode.

We decided that our entertainment center is way too big with not enough storage, so we've purchased an old sideboard (with lots of character) and we're going to minwax it to perk it up and use that for the TV & all the components that go with it. Thank you to Greg's folks for the idea! It's about 66" long. I'm hoping one of my table runners will fit... Otherwise, I might be begging Grandma into doing a little project for me (since I know she's reading this). We managed to consolidate all of our movies into three (yes, 3) DVD organizer wallets. Yes, we have several hundred movies. Seriously. The movies, games and CDs that are left are on the other case, which will also be going into storage. Oh, did I mention we decided to get a VERY SMALL storage unit? Our sideboard is in there until we can get ride of the monster entertainment center, as well as many of our books and some of the furniture we can't bear to part with yet. I think we're going to put Evan's bookcase where the movie case was at, with his books and some of his games and toys. We might also bring Evan's toybox out here, too, if we can't make it fit in the bedroom.

We're hoping to get the kid's room done in the next week or so. I'm hoping my dad can come help us get Evans' new loft up. Once that's up, I think we'll have a better idea of how everything else will fit together in there. We took the boxes of clothes that wouldn't work for our little one back to Emily, since Cole and this one will be born in opposite seasons. We did manage to get some really cute outfits out of what they had, though. While we were over there, we did get a really nice dresser and a hideously green changing table. Thanks Em! Even she agrees the changing table is pretty ugly in its current state. LOL! We'll definately be painting that. Dresser is in the storage right now with our sideboard as projects to be done in the next few weeks.

We also went through books and have 3 boxes worth of books that are going over to storage, along with a box of Evan's 3T-4T clothes that won't fit him come fall. *sigh* One of my favorite outfits is in there. Oh well. It'll get another chance with this little one. =-) Something to look forward to, I suppose.

Let's see... Whatelse. Oh, we brought Grandpa home from the nursing home on Tuesday. That was a bit of a fiasco. They must have done some serious therapy on him in the morning, because he literally slept from the moment we arrived to take him home until the middle of the night. But, he'd doing fantastic now. He's feeding himself, drinking coffee again, and just doing well in general! Home really is where the heart is, especially in Grandpa Bruns' case!

I went to an auction on Wednesday evening. THAT was fun. I had forgotten how much I enjoy going to these. Greg and I have our work cut out for us. We have a ton of eBay stuff to do. Greg and I managed to get it all photographed, but now we have a HUGE pile of boxes to write up. We're finally done with Grandma Refsell's auction items. That was a heck of a project, but well worth the results. =-)

In baby world, we're both doing well. According to, he's about 13.5-14.5" long, and weighs about 1.5-2.2 lbs! The majority of the next few months will be all about weight gain and a few more inches in length. Apparently this month will be all about brain growth, so they encourage eating lots of nuts, beef, fish (blah, not happening, sorry baby. No Harvard for you) and eggs. Apparently, he'll be starting to move from breech position (butt down) to headdown in the next week or two, as well. Great. Let the swift kicks to the ribs begin. According to 3Dpregnancy, starting after this next visit, I should be going to the doctor's more often to monitor blood pressure and swelling. Eyes are also developing, as is baby's blinking ability.

Not a whole lot going on this week. We'll have Evan next weekend, as well as the weekend of the 4th. Woo hoo!! We're rather excited about that-- we'll have Evan with us for Sami's birthday party. He'll be so excited when we tell him. Guess we'll have to take him with us to find a cool birthday gift. Any ideas, anyone??

Sorry, no pictures today. You got them all at the beginning of the week!

Love y'all!!

1 comment:

Sandy W said...

Hey Jenn and Greg!!! Now I can keep track of ALL my girls!! One blog, two more links -lucky me!! Love ya!!!