Sunday, June 8, 2008

Week 23: June 9-15-- It's beginning to look a lot like Summer!!

Whew! It's hot outside! Our temperature gauge says 98 degrees! Ugh.

Let's see... what did we do this week? Evan was in Florida all week. He had lots and lots of fun, and came back on Thursday. We picked him up on Friday for the weekend, and have we EVER had lots of fun and adventures this weekend.

The week was fairly quiet and normal. Greg only worked at Movie Gallery on Thursday. I think he's gradually cutting back to the point of cutting MG out entirely. Woo hoo! It's been so nice having him home at night. Although, i have to admit that I miss having an evening or two to devote to scrapbooking or whatever my heart desires that particular evening. But, that's okay. I'll trade off just to have him home more.

In exciting work news, I received my first bonus this week at work! And it was at the 2nd level! So I'm doing well. Being on-call has proven to be a bit of a pest, but it isn't terrible. Just an inconvenience. Greg is learning to be patient with it. I drove almost 200 miles on Thursday. Ugh! But, I listen to books on CD, and I do just fine with it. If anyone has any great books on CD, I'd love it if you'd share.

Greg had his typical week at the Sentinel. Nothing major, although Dave says he may not have to go in on the weekend to do the LighterSide page anymore.

Evan went back to school on Friday, and had a pretty rough day again- he just couldn't seem to get into the swing of things after a week being off. SO, we're chalking it up to that and letting it slide this weekend.

I think it's a good thing that we did. He's had a great weekend with us after a rough start. He didn't want to go with us, which I think almost broke Greg's heart. But, he was with his mom for 24 hours a day for a whole week, so I think it was to be expected. And, with the rough day at school, I think he though he was going to have a not-so-fun weekend with us. But like I said, we think that it had a lot to do with having a hard time getting back into the routine.

Friday night, we went to Golden Corral for dinner. We figured *maybe* this would encourage him to eat and not pull his "I'm not hungry" as soon as the food comes out. It worked. He ate 2 big platefuls of food. Whew!

After that, we came home and watered plants and got ready for bath. JUST as Evan was getting undressed for his bath, my mom called and asked us where we were and what we were doing. I didn't think anything of it and told her we were at home. She told us to turn on the news- there was a nasty storm coming and we needed to get out of the house and either to their place or G's folks. Just as we were hanging up, G's folks called for the same reason. We all got into jammies and went over to G's folk's house. Fortunately, everything went North and South of BG and we just ended up with a lot of wind and rain in a very, very short period of time. We were home by 10:30, and managed to have a very nice visit for Evan with Grandma & Papa V.

Saturday, we did our typical routine-- up late, did the bank thing, donuts and then hit garage sales. Nap in the afternoon for both Evan and I (I was exhausted!!) and then we made chicken ranch wraps for supper. After that, we decided to do a little searching/shopping. Then it was bedtime for Evan! G & I watched a movie and we headed to bed waaaay to late.

At 4:30am, Greg and I woke up. I got Evan around and coffee brewing while he got dressed. Then, we headed to Meijer. Greg, Evan and I are now the proud owners of a Nintendo Wii. They sell out VERY quickly, and happened to have 30 of them going on sale on Sunday at 6am. We decided that this would be a GREAT way to allow Evan to get involved in playing games on the TV with us, and we feel that this is better than the "typical" video games because it includes a lot of movement and coordination, not just a bunch of button pushing. I can't wait to have our folks over to try playing this. Even Myra and Mom should be able to do these games!! Evan did a spare in bowling on his very first two tries! Greg played while Evan and I were napping, and when I got up, he told me that he really got a good "workout" and actually said his arm was sore!
After we went to Meijer's, we went fishing. Yes, the boys like to punish me by getting up early and then keeping me up all morning. We got back from fishing around 8:45a and Evan laid in our bed and watched Disney channel while G started setting up the Wii. I "coached" from the couch. We got to play for about 20 minutes and then headed to breakfast with my folks. After that, we ran some errands and came back and played for a very short period of time before napping.

This afternoon, Evan played more games and then we went to the pet store to wander around. It's just too hot to play outside. The good thing about this system is that it'll keep Evan active inside, too! We've had to get after him for getting a little TOO enthusiastic, but I think that's expected when you're 4.5!

IN baby news this week, since I know that's why you all read this, baby Buddah, as G calls my belly, continues to grow. My little bean is kicking away like crazy now. I think he's trying to prepare me for the sleepless nights to come. But rather than easing me into it, he's decided to go full blown and kick all night long. last night, I don't think I slept for more than 15 minutes straight. I love the feeling, but good grief! Apparently, this is normal, as he's able to really hear and respond to outside noises-- to the point that loud noises might even startle him!

One more week, and we'll reach what's called "viability". This is a big deal, because, should something happen and I have to deliver early, he'll more than likely survive. SO, this is good!

We continue to do a little preparation shopping here and there- We have the crib, cradle (from mom), bassinet (from Myra) , high chair, changing table and some clothes- Em gave us a bunch, and then we've bought some and picked up some at garage sales, too, including the cutest Osh Kosh outfit! I LOVE Osh Kosh! However, I think this is going to be a baseball/OSU baby. Evan's trying to make sure he's an Indians baby, but I've got a few Twins outfits, as well. So don't worry, Iowa folks, my alliances still lie with the Twins! Greg had better start to enjoy watching sports. Ev's already a sports nut, and I think baby brother will follow in his big bro's footsteps!

In other news, please continue to keep Grandpa Bruns in your thoughts and prayers. He's still not doing well. We met with Hospice, and are thinking seriously about taking him home from the nursing home. I think that the nursing home has a lot to do with his not getting better-- it's to the point that I think he's given up. He misses his cat, his bed, his home. Hopefully, we can get him home, and maybe even see some improvement.

Have a great week! Be safe with all the foul weather thats been coming our way lately!

-love, jenn

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