Sunday, June 15, 2008

Week 24- June 15-21 Happy Father's Day!!!

Hello & Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads out there! Whether you're a Grandpa, a Papa, a Dad, Pop, or Daddy, you have an amazing amount of influence on your children, even when they've grown up and have children of their own. We continue to look to you for guidance and assistance, and know that "father still knows best", whether it's to install a dishwasher, toss a baseball, or just to be a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for all that you do.

What a crazy week. Can I just say that I'm sick to death of the storms? It's like April's come 2 months late this year! The storms are driving us nutso. Because we live in this flimsy house, we alway head over to our folks house when the weather gets too rough. I thought I was going to be doing it again tonight while Greg was at Movie Gallery working (his 1 day this week!) but they've toned down the warnings, saying they won't be nearly as bad, so I think I'll just stay put and keep an eye on the sky.

Overall, it was a pretty uneventful week. Grandpa continues to decline, and it sounds like we'll be calling on Hospice and taking him home by Tuesday. It's going to be quite a challenge, but I think we'll be able to do it.

We've picked out our daycare. We decided on All About the Kids day care. Right now, they have their facility at the Old South Main School, but they're actually relocating to a new building sometime soon. We were very impressed with the teachers, the staff and the directors. Everyone seemed very nice, the kids that were there were all very happy. We have excellent recommendations from families that take their kids there (some of which are city officers), and its right near both Greg and I as far as work is concerned. It's also not too far from our folks. I know you all are thinking we're crazy looking into daycares already, but the daycares around here fill up so incredibly fast. SO, we're happy with our decision. My other choice was Discovery Kingdom or Wonderland of Learning. DK is about $50 more a week, though. I loved Dk because they have the Intergenerational daycare program- they do a lot of work with the joined nursing home. WoL we liked because it was so close to our folks. But, they're also so close to Tenderage Daycare, and there are so many issues between those two daycares. AAtKs does a lot with the university students and they have activities even with the infants. SO, All About the Kids it is!

Evan continues to have rough days at school-- he was on red again on Wednesdays. Not sure what the deal is with it, but he was doing so well! Its frustrating.

We had a great weekend, though. We stayed home and watched a movie Friday night. Saturday, we hit the local garage sales. We were going to go to the Waterville sales, but ended up finding some great sales right here in BG, so we didn't bother. We'll go next year! =-) I bought a ton of clothes for the baby and also some nice ones for Evan. I even found a Christmas outfit for baby! So cute! I also found Sami's birthday present from my mom & dad for them-- an American Girl doll! I couldn't believe it. And its the Samantha doll! I bought several of the books from me, and there are a ton of outfits. So she's set!

I think this baby is going to be an Osh-Kosh-froggie-lovin'-baseball-playing kid, based on the clothing that he has so far. Everything has frogs, baseball, OSU or Indians on it... Oh, and one Twins outfit.

I've been feeling pretty well.. Tired, and I went through a massive panic attack on Friday. I was driving down Main street and it dawned on me that three months from now, I'm going to have this child in my arms and I'm going to be responsible for him. Am I really ready for this? I was in tears. I'm sure Greg thinks I'm nuts. But I am terrified. And I'm pretty sure that he thinks that I'm going through something, mood-wise lately, and I am. I feel like I'm on the verge of tears at any moment. It's just the way that I am right now. I have NO idea why. But I do. It's crazy frustrating.

My belly continues to grow, and the kicks get more frequent and harder day by day. According to, baby now has ears, fingernails, testicles and lung walls. Woo hoo. He's also filling out and getting more babyfat. We've reached the oh-so-important viability stage, meaning that should something happen (God forbid), baby would more than likely survive outside of the womb. It would be a long, hard road, with many complications, but he would survive.

Greg had an excellent Father's day. Evan and baby (with my help, of course) bought him a new, kick-a$$ grill! He's so excited about it. We then went over to Greg's folks for the day, having a nice cookout with lots of salads. The boys then played baseball while Myra and I looked at some of the clothes she bought Evan (plus an OSU jacked for baby!!) and reminisced about trips out west.

The pictures are my 23 week belly, (I just look lumpy! lol!), Evan's bath-- he went CRAZY with the bubbles, and then pictures of the boys on Father's day. Fun times! Oh, and Greg's new grill!


Jennifer Van Vorhis said...

In case you were wondering about the mom has a box of hats that Evan plays with, and he gives each of us one when we get there. he always takes the firefighter one. The first picture is of Evan and Papa, or as he calls himself, Papa the Sailor Man.

Jenn's right...she is moody and my grill does kick ass. Oops. Sorry...I meant to say a$$.

And yes, I AM McLovin'.

Jennifer Van Vorhis said...

Almost forgot to mention...

I think my favorite memories of this father's day were:

1) My mom making a HUGE, overreative issue out of a hamburger that was just a LITTLE too pink in the center. Holy cow, you would have thought it was gushing blood!!

2) Swinging Evan's foam bat so hard that it slipped out of my hand. I had no idea where it went, until it came back down, through the tree, and struck an electric box in the neighbor's yard. I had Evan retrieve it...not so I wouldn't get in trouble, but because I couldn't get my fat old butt over the fence!

3) When Evan, dad and I were playing baseball and I was "running bases" like Evan told me to, and dad was running at me trying to tag me out. I juked him out of his shorts and he did a rolling summersault when he lost his balance. Funny to watch, but I'll bet he's hurting tonight. He always tells us he's "fine" and mom always cleans up the wounds later that night.

Good times, great memories...Love ya!!!!