Sunday, June 29, 2008

Week 26: June 30-July6th Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th of July, everyone! As you're enjoying parties, cookouts and fireworks this weekend, please be sure to remember why we celebrate Independence Day and how we obtained and maintain our freedom!

It's been a busy week. It was a little rough for me with work-- Just lots of issues in general, but the week definitely got better.

We had our 25th week dr appointment on Friday. Everything is great, baby is growing fast, and looking good. 128 heartbeats per minute. My bloodpressure is still right where it should be, so that is good, too. I have to go in at some point for a glucose test. Yuck. We're almost exactly on target for our due date of 10/9/08! He said it was about a day off, which is about as perfect as they could hope for. I've started swelling periodically. Thursday night was especially bad. I looked like I had tree trunks for feet and they were alternating between being very painful and going completely numb. I ended up calling the OB department at the hospital to make sure this wasn't a sign of a blood clot or something. They said that if I start getting spotty vision, a stomach ache or headache that just won't go away, that I should come in. Otherwise, they said to put my feet up and drink plenty of fluids. We talked to the doc about it at our appointment the next day, and he did an awesome job explaining to us what was happening (basically, because of my big ol'belly, when I'm sitting, the fluid can't drain from my legs as easily). He said that in the evening, I need to lay on the couch for a few hours with my feet propped up and a pillow behind me so I'm laying off to one side a little. Haha! Dr's order's to lay around! We've now met all of the OBs in our practice. We're happy with all of them for the most part. Obviously, we have our favorite, but we'll be comfortable with whichever is on call to deliver.

Evan's had GREAT days at school both Wednesday and Friday this week. We're SO happy. He was on green all day. We made him a deal. As long as he stays on green all day the days that he comes to stay with us, he earns a baseball. if he's on red (very, very bad), he loses a ball that he's earned. If he's on yellow (an OK day, he doesn't lose, but he doesn't gain, either). Once he has 5 baseballs on this chart we made, we'll take him to see a MudHen's game. We decided to do this because it seemed like the bad days were always happening when we were picking him up. So, we've given him a goal. I hope it works! It did the first two times! Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, Evan and Greg started working on taking down the wheelchair ramp here at our house. Yeah!! Evan is an AMAZING helper. He was actually taking the bolts out of the railing himself! Of course, he had to wear his toolbelt, hardhat, gloves, ear protection and eye protection-- but those didn't last long, and from time to time he'd have one or more pieces on, but never all at once. It's fantastic. They managed to get all the rails down by the end of the night on Friday. Great job, guys!

Saturday morning, they continued to work on the ramps, and started taking the floorboards off. This, it turns out, is more of a challenge than we thought it would be. The screws are literally embedded into the wood, which has expanded around many of the screwheads. Consequently, the screwsheads are stripping as they are being removed. Dad had a solution, though- a drillbit that grabs onto the head and pulls it out. Evan was so stinking cute. He came in, went to the refridgerator on his own, grabbed two beers and walked out the door with them, stating "I think Daddy needs TWO beers". I had to rush out and get a picture of him giving those to Greg. I think he knew Greg was getting a little frustrated. I can only imagine the words that flew out of his mouth in front of Ev.

We had Sami's 5th birthday party at 1pm. I still cannot believe that she's now 5. It was a great party, with lots of presents, food and people. I managed to find an American Girl doll- Samanatha, no less. I think she was a little excited about it. Cute moments-- Devan, another little boy her age, insisted on buying her jewelry for her birthday-- apparently, he wanted to get her a ring (!!!) and Pam, his mother, said no.. he ended up getting her some beautiful little gold heart earrings. Very sweet. We got her a new dress for school and a bunch of earrings. She was very excited.

The kids had a ton of fun- they had a pinata! everyone took turns and eventually, it burst open and the candy fest began. I think Cole had about 30 pieces of candy in him by the end of the day. We could tell, too. He was spinning like a top! Dad took him outside, and he went right to the monster mud puddles and literally jumped it! He did a buttflop into the biggest one, soaking him from head to toe. It was fantastic. He had a blast.

We surprised Evan and took him to see Wall-E last night at the movies. It was a great movie. About halfway thru, we looked over at Evan and realized that he'd eaten about 1/2 a tub of popcorn. That was a mistake that we will NEVER allow to happen again. Around midnight, he started crying. I was still awake out on the couch, and went into see what was wrong. He started gagging and threw up a little on the floor. We went back to the bathroom to clean him up, and he had to throw up again. By this time, Greg was up and able to help me. He projectile vomitted all over the back of the toilet and then into the toilet itself. It was all popcorn. Can I just tell you, it's going to be a while before *I* can eat popcorn again? I think Evan feels the same way. Well, he crawled into bed with Greg, and I just slept on the couch-- or at least attempted to. Evan was up 2 more times before 1am, and we thought it was over, but at 3:30, he was awake again and threw up 7 more times-- dry heaving and bile, for the most part, according to Greg. We tried children's pepto, but that didn't work, and Greg finally ended up calling Grandma G to see what she thought we should do. Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot- we had to let nature take its course. It appeared to have ended around 5:30ish, for a total of 9 trips to the bathroom and one episode of throwing up all over the bed in our bedroom.

Evan was a trooper through the whole thing. He even chuckled after the first time he threw up and said "I guess I had too much popcorn". We both had to laugh and said "yeah, I think you did". He's doing well. We started out very slowly this morning and he ate a few crackers and had some sprite. At 12:30, he'd managed to keep both down. I'm now letting him have a small bowl of chicken noodle soup, and he's happy as a lark. As soon as he's done, it'll be nap time.

Everything else seems to be going well. Greg is continuing to work on the deck, though taking the floorboards off is still not going as well as we would like. He just talked to our neighbor, who had great ideas for him. So, we'll see how that goes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed so that we don't have to buy new wood.

I'm kindof hoping we can get started on Evan & the baby's room sometime soon-- maybe at least get Evan's new bed up and a few things moved around. I'd feel better about it, anyway! Greg's dragging his feet, though. He's afraid that Evan will see it as loosing his room. He not losing his room. He's just going to be sharing it. And he's not losing his stuff, either! Greg & I are making major adjustments so that doesn't happen-- which is why we're re-configuring the living room! And the longer Greg takes to come to terms with this, the less I'm going to be able to help him! I think he's having a harder time with it than Evan ever will.


love y'all!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week 25: June 22-30 Stormy Start to Summer!

Holy smokes! It's the last week of the 2nd trimester. I cannot believe that we're rolling into the third tri already. This has quickly dawned on Greg & I this week, and we've rolled into nesting mode.

We decided that our entertainment center is way too big with not enough storage, so we've purchased an old sideboard (with lots of character) and we're going to minwax it to perk it up and use that for the TV & all the components that go with it. Thank you to Greg's folks for the idea! It's about 66" long. I'm hoping one of my table runners will fit... Otherwise, I might be begging Grandma into doing a little project for me (since I know she's reading this). We managed to consolidate all of our movies into three (yes, 3) DVD organizer wallets. Yes, we have several hundred movies. Seriously. The movies, games and CDs that are left are on the other case, which will also be going into storage. Oh, did I mention we decided to get a VERY SMALL storage unit? Our sideboard is in there until we can get ride of the monster entertainment center, as well as many of our books and some of the furniture we can't bear to part with yet. I think we're going to put Evan's bookcase where the movie case was at, with his books and some of his games and toys. We might also bring Evan's toybox out here, too, if we can't make it fit in the bedroom.

We're hoping to get the kid's room done in the next week or so. I'm hoping my dad can come help us get Evans' new loft up. Once that's up, I think we'll have a better idea of how everything else will fit together in there. We took the boxes of clothes that wouldn't work for our little one back to Emily, since Cole and this one will be born in opposite seasons. We did manage to get some really cute outfits out of what they had, though. While we were over there, we did get a really nice dresser and a hideously green changing table. Thanks Em! Even she agrees the changing table is pretty ugly in its current state. LOL! We'll definately be painting that. Dresser is in the storage right now with our sideboard as projects to be done in the next few weeks.

We also went through books and have 3 boxes worth of books that are going over to storage, along with a box of Evan's 3T-4T clothes that won't fit him come fall. *sigh* One of my favorite outfits is in there. Oh well. It'll get another chance with this little one. =-) Something to look forward to, I suppose.

Let's see... Whatelse. Oh, we brought Grandpa home from the nursing home on Tuesday. That was a bit of a fiasco. They must have done some serious therapy on him in the morning, because he literally slept from the moment we arrived to take him home until the middle of the night. But, he'd doing fantastic now. He's feeding himself, drinking coffee again, and just doing well in general! Home really is where the heart is, especially in Grandpa Bruns' case!

I went to an auction on Wednesday evening. THAT was fun. I had forgotten how much I enjoy going to these. Greg and I have our work cut out for us. We have a ton of eBay stuff to do. Greg and I managed to get it all photographed, but now we have a HUGE pile of boxes to write up. We're finally done with Grandma Refsell's auction items. That was a heck of a project, but well worth the results. =-)

In baby world, we're both doing well. According to, he's about 13.5-14.5" long, and weighs about 1.5-2.2 lbs! The majority of the next few months will be all about weight gain and a few more inches in length. Apparently this month will be all about brain growth, so they encourage eating lots of nuts, beef, fish (blah, not happening, sorry baby. No Harvard for you) and eggs. Apparently, he'll be starting to move from breech position (butt down) to headdown in the next week or two, as well. Great. Let the swift kicks to the ribs begin. According to 3Dpregnancy, starting after this next visit, I should be going to the doctor's more often to monitor blood pressure and swelling. Eyes are also developing, as is baby's blinking ability.

Not a whole lot going on this week. We'll have Evan next weekend, as well as the weekend of the 4th. Woo hoo!! We're rather excited about that-- we'll have Evan with us for Sami's birthday party. He'll be so excited when we tell him. Guess we'll have to take him with us to find a cool birthday gift. Any ideas, anyone??

Sorry, no pictures today. You got them all at the beginning of the week!

Love y'all!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

June 16th... Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

Hey all! I know we just updated yesterday, but I thought we'd share some pictures from the Mudhen's game that we took Evan to this evening. Mudhen's won 5-2 against the Syracuse Chiefs. Evan was FASCINATED with the catcher. A VERY Special thanks to Papa Bruns for sharing these tickets with us! Thank you very much!!! Evan wants to know when we're going back. I think we'll shoot for a Friday or Saturday next time, though.

There is also a picture of a goofy looking Evan with a red t-shirt. It reads "I'm gonna be a Big Brother". Thank you Aunt Judy for making this for Evan! He'll be wearing that to school and around town!!!

OH, and be sure that you read comments. Greg has been known to leave his two cents in there instead of adding his own thoughts in the blog. Always some interesting nuggets when he does!

love, jenn

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Week 24- June 15-21 Happy Father's Day!!!

Hello & Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads out there! Whether you're a Grandpa, a Papa, a Dad, Pop, or Daddy, you have an amazing amount of influence on your children, even when they've grown up and have children of their own. We continue to look to you for guidance and assistance, and know that "father still knows best", whether it's to install a dishwasher, toss a baseball, or just to be a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for all that you do.

What a crazy week. Can I just say that I'm sick to death of the storms? It's like April's come 2 months late this year! The storms are driving us nutso. Because we live in this flimsy house, we alway head over to our folks house when the weather gets too rough. I thought I was going to be doing it again tonight while Greg was at Movie Gallery working (his 1 day this week!) but they've toned down the warnings, saying they won't be nearly as bad, so I think I'll just stay put and keep an eye on the sky.

Overall, it was a pretty uneventful week. Grandpa continues to decline, and it sounds like we'll be calling on Hospice and taking him home by Tuesday. It's going to be quite a challenge, but I think we'll be able to do it.

We've picked out our daycare. We decided on All About the Kids day care. Right now, they have their facility at the Old South Main School, but they're actually relocating to a new building sometime soon. We were very impressed with the teachers, the staff and the directors. Everyone seemed very nice, the kids that were there were all very happy. We have excellent recommendations from families that take their kids there (some of which are city officers), and its right near both Greg and I as far as work is concerned. It's also not too far from our folks. I know you all are thinking we're crazy looking into daycares already, but the daycares around here fill up so incredibly fast. SO, we're happy with our decision. My other choice was Discovery Kingdom or Wonderland of Learning. DK is about $50 more a week, though. I loved Dk because they have the Intergenerational daycare program- they do a lot of work with the joined nursing home. WoL we liked because it was so close to our folks. But, they're also so close to Tenderage Daycare, and there are so many issues between those two daycares. AAtKs does a lot with the university students and they have activities even with the infants. SO, All About the Kids it is!

Evan continues to have rough days at school-- he was on red again on Wednesdays. Not sure what the deal is with it, but he was doing so well! Its frustrating.

We had a great weekend, though. We stayed home and watched a movie Friday night. Saturday, we hit the local garage sales. We were going to go to the Waterville sales, but ended up finding some great sales right here in BG, so we didn't bother. We'll go next year! =-) I bought a ton of clothes for the baby and also some nice ones for Evan. I even found a Christmas outfit for baby! So cute! I also found Sami's birthday present from my mom & dad for them-- an American Girl doll! I couldn't believe it. And its the Samantha doll! I bought several of the books from me, and there are a ton of outfits. So she's set!

I think this baby is going to be an Osh-Kosh-froggie-lovin'-baseball-playing kid, based on the clothing that he has so far. Everything has frogs, baseball, OSU or Indians on it... Oh, and one Twins outfit.

I've been feeling pretty well.. Tired, and I went through a massive panic attack on Friday. I was driving down Main street and it dawned on me that three months from now, I'm going to have this child in my arms and I'm going to be responsible for him. Am I really ready for this? I was in tears. I'm sure Greg thinks I'm nuts. But I am terrified. And I'm pretty sure that he thinks that I'm going through something, mood-wise lately, and I am. I feel like I'm on the verge of tears at any moment. It's just the way that I am right now. I have NO idea why. But I do. It's crazy frustrating.

My belly continues to grow, and the kicks get more frequent and harder day by day. According to, baby now has ears, fingernails, testicles and lung walls. Woo hoo. He's also filling out and getting more babyfat. We've reached the oh-so-important viability stage, meaning that should something happen (God forbid), baby would more than likely survive outside of the womb. It would be a long, hard road, with many complications, but he would survive.

Greg had an excellent Father's day. Evan and baby (with my help, of course) bought him a new, kick-a$$ grill! He's so excited about it. We then went over to Greg's folks for the day, having a nice cookout with lots of salads. The boys then played baseball while Myra and I looked at some of the clothes she bought Evan (plus an OSU jacked for baby!!) and reminisced about trips out west.

The pictures are my 23 week belly, (I just look lumpy! lol!), Evan's bath-- he went CRAZY with the bubbles, and then pictures of the boys on Father's day. Fun times! Oh, and Greg's new grill!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Week 23: June 9-15-- It's beginning to look a lot like Summer!!

Whew! It's hot outside! Our temperature gauge says 98 degrees! Ugh.

Let's see... what did we do this week? Evan was in Florida all week. He had lots and lots of fun, and came back on Thursday. We picked him up on Friday for the weekend, and have we EVER had lots of fun and adventures this weekend.

The week was fairly quiet and normal. Greg only worked at Movie Gallery on Thursday. I think he's gradually cutting back to the point of cutting MG out entirely. Woo hoo! It's been so nice having him home at night. Although, i have to admit that I miss having an evening or two to devote to scrapbooking or whatever my heart desires that particular evening. But, that's okay. I'll trade off just to have him home more.

In exciting work news, I received my first bonus this week at work! And it was at the 2nd level! So I'm doing well. Being on-call has proven to be a bit of a pest, but it isn't terrible. Just an inconvenience. Greg is learning to be patient with it. I drove almost 200 miles on Thursday. Ugh! But, I listen to books on CD, and I do just fine with it. If anyone has any great books on CD, I'd love it if you'd share.

Greg had his typical week at the Sentinel. Nothing major, although Dave says he may not have to go in on the weekend to do the LighterSide page anymore.

Evan went back to school on Friday, and had a pretty rough day again- he just couldn't seem to get into the swing of things after a week being off. SO, we're chalking it up to that and letting it slide this weekend.

I think it's a good thing that we did. He's had a great weekend with us after a rough start. He didn't want to go with us, which I think almost broke Greg's heart. But, he was with his mom for 24 hours a day for a whole week, so I think it was to be expected. And, with the rough day at school, I think he though he was going to have a not-so-fun weekend with us. But like I said, we think that it had a lot to do with having a hard time getting back into the routine.

Friday night, we went to Golden Corral for dinner. We figured *maybe* this would encourage him to eat and not pull his "I'm not hungry" as soon as the food comes out. It worked. He ate 2 big platefuls of food. Whew!

After that, we came home and watered plants and got ready for bath. JUST as Evan was getting undressed for his bath, my mom called and asked us where we were and what we were doing. I didn't think anything of it and told her we were at home. She told us to turn on the news- there was a nasty storm coming and we needed to get out of the house and either to their place or G's folks. Just as we were hanging up, G's folks called for the same reason. We all got into jammies and went over to G's folk's house. Fortunately, everything went North and South of BG and we just ended up with a lot of wind and rain in a very, very short period of time. We were home by 10:30, and managed to have a very nice visit for Evan with Grandma & Papa V.

Saturday, we did our typical routine-- up late, did the bank thing, donuts and then hit garage sales. Nap in the afternoon for both Evan and I (I was exhausted!!) and then we made chicken ranch wraps for supper. After that, we decided to do a little searching/shopping. Then it was bedtime for Evan! G & I watched a movie and we headed to bed waaaay to late.

At 4:30am, Greg and I woke up. I got Evan around and coffee brewing while he got dressed. Then, we headed to Meijer. Greg, Evan and I are now the proud owners of a Nintendo Wii. They sell out VERY quickly, and happened to have 30 of them going on sale on Sunday at 6am. We decided that this would be a GREAT way to allow Evan to get involved in playing games on the TV with us, and we feel that this is better than the "typical" video games because it includes a lot of movement and coordination, not just a bunch of button pushing. I can't wait to have our folks over to try playing this. Even Myra and Mom should be able to do these games!! Evan did a spare in bowling on his very first two tries! Greg played while Evan and I were napping, and when I got up, he told me that he really got a good "workout" and actually said his arm was sore!
After we went to Meijer's, we went fishing. Yes, the boys like to punish me by getting up early and then keeping me up all morning. We got back from fishing around 8:45a and Evan laid in our bed and watched Disney channel while G started setting up the Wii. I "coached" from the couch. We got to play for about 20 minutes and then headed to breakfast with my folks. After that, we ran some errands and came back and played for a very short period of time before napping.

This afternoon, Evan played more games and then we went to the pet store to wander around. It's just too hot to play outside. The good thing about this system is that it'll keep Evan active inside, too! We've had to get after him for getting a little TOO enthusiastic, but I think that's expected when you're 4.5!

IN baby news this week, since I know that's why you all read this, baby Buddah, as G calls my belly, continues to grow. My little bean is kicking away like crazy now. I think he's trying to prepare me for the sleepless nights to come. But rather than easing me into it, he's decided to go full blown and kick all night long. last night, I don't think I slept for more than 15 minutes straight. I love the feeling, but good grief! Apparently, this is normal, as he's able to really hear and respond to outside noises-- to the point that loud noises might even startle him!

One more week, and we'll reach what's called "viability". This is a big deal, because, should something happen and I have to deliver early, he'll more than likely survive. SO, this is good!

We continue to do a little preparation shopping here and there- We have the crib, cradle (from mom), bassinet (from Myra) , high chair, changing table and some clothes- Em gave us a bunch, and then we've bought some and picked up some at garage sales, too, including the cutest Osh Kosh outfit! I LOVE Osh Kosh! However, I think this is going to be a baseball/OSU baby. Evan's trying to make sure he's an Indians baby, but I've got a few Twins outfits, as well. So don't worry, Iowa folks, my alliances still lie with the Twins! Greg had better start to enjoy watching sports. Ev's already a sports nut, and I think baby brother will follow in his big bro's footsteps!

In other news, please continue to keep Grandpa Bruns in your thoughts and prayers. He's still not doing well. We met with Hospice, and are thinking seriously about taking him home from the nursing home. I think that the nursing home has a lot to do with his not getting better-- it's to the point that I think he's given up. He misses his cat, his bed, his home. Hopefully, we can get him home, and maybe even see some improvement.

Have a great week! Be safe with all the foul weather thats been coming our way lately!

-love, jenn

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Week 22: June 1-7th Dishwashers and Hospitals.

We're up to Week 22! Hard to believe we're on the downhill slope of this pregnancy- Only 18 weeks left to go! Our baby boy is really kicking up a storm now! I feel him almost constantly. Soon, I'm sure Greg will be able to feel him, too. I think Magic (our cat) already does feel him once in a while. yesterday, she was snuggled up next to me sleeping and baby kicked pretty hard. She stood up, glared at my stomach, and moved up closer to my chest. lol. Poor kitty is in for a rude awakening soon.

Okay, let's see... Week 22 baby update.... Baby now weighs about a pound and is around 12 inches in length! Hard to believe, isn't it?!? changes from week-to-week fruit to month to month starting this week. I'll have to see if I can find another fruit comparison chart since I know how much you all enjoy that, but for this month, baby is a papaya! According to the nest, baby is able to hear us from the outside. states that his inner-ear has developed, so once he's walking, he'll have a sense of balance. Baby also has a lot of extra skin right now, as he slowly begins to fill out. Oh, and baby now has a fairly defined sleep cycle. I need to start paying attention to those kicks more and when they're occurring. I'll be able to tell when he's sleeping and when he's awake. It should be around 12-14 hours a day that he sleeps. Hopefully, his sleep cycle will remain the same as MINE, but I won't hold my breath.

THANK YOU to Rick VV, Greg's pop, with the handy-dandy light-holding abilities of my dad, Jerry. They installed the dishwasher today!!! yeah!!! Greg started helping, but suddenly got violently ill. More on that in a minute. Dad came over and helped Rick for a bit with the project so Greg could sleep and barf in peace. Whew! Rick's just now finishing up, taking everything out to his car right now. I think they managed to do it in about 5 hours or so. Yeah guys! So now, I won't have to do my most hated task-- dishes! Woo hoo! Nor will we have to worry about washing bottles all the time. AND THANK YOU to my folks for getting us the dishwasher! It runs FANTASTICALLY. WE're so happy!

Back to Greg... for whatever reason, Greg seems to have been hit by a freight train today in the form of a stomach bug. All of a sudden, he became cold and clammy and was dry heaving. He threw up his lunch. I don't think it was food poisoning, because he and Rick ate the exact same thing for lunch. And he and I ate the same thing for supper last night. SO, it must be a bug. Scared me a little when I came home from my folks today. He was sprawled out on the floor in the bathroom. He actually had me call his boss at Movie Gallery to tell him there was no way he would be in tonight. So I KNOW he's not feeling well. We'll see what happens, I suppose. If he doesn't start drinking more, he's going to the hospital to get checked out. I don't want him getting dehydrated!

Grandpa Bruns is back in the hospital again. He gave us a pretty good scare Friday night. They said that his kidneys appeared to be shutting down and he couldn't keep anything down. They're going to do an EGD (basically put a camera on a wire down his throat to his stomach) and see if there's a blockage of some sort. He ate a little yesterday. Not sure how he's doing today. I'll probably stay away since Greg's sick so I don't give him something else. I'd love to know why the nursing home let him get to the point where he was this bad before they finally sent him to the hospital. That REALLY bugs me. He should not have been dehydrated to the point that his kidneys were shutting down! Grrr.

Evan is in Florida now. He left on Friday morning and flew down to Tampa. He's now at his grandparents with his mom. He called Greg on Friday when they landed, and Greg asked him if he was in Florida, and he kept telling him no, not yet. Dani finally had to explain that he doesn't think he's in Florida until he gets to his grandparents. Not sure what they have planned for the week, but I'm sure they'll have a good time.

OH! We registered for the baby on Friday and yesterday. Friday, we went to Babies'r'us and yesterday, we went to Target. Can I just say that registering for a baby is way more difficult than registering for a wedding?? It was so much thinking and deciding. It wasn't QUITE the fun process that I had hoped it would be. It was really stressful! We had to really look at things and decide what was practical and what was not. The part that really has me stressed out is deciding on bottles! Good lord. Do you know how many bottles there ARE out there?!?! TOO many!!! And don't even get me started on the breast-feeding supplies. I gave up on that and told Greg we were just going to buy that stuff ourselves, since I don't even know if I'll be able to breastfeed due to my surgical scars. But, we picked out some things that we like, and I guess we'll go from there. If anyone has any suggestions for things that we need to get yet, fire away.

I think I mentioned that we bought a crib a few weeks ago. We bought the high chair yesterday. We are SO excited about it. We knew which HC we wanted, and when we looked at it, they had it on CLEARANCE!!! SO, rather than risking NOT getting it, we went ahead and bought it. It's a wooden highchair made by Eddie Bauer. Neither one of us like the plastic ones, and now all of them come with TOYS attached to the trays.. Now who's the genius who thought up that idea?! Baby's going to end up playing rather than eating. And no, most of the toys did not come off. Duh.

I'm feeling pretty good. The latest development for me is that I'm having some severe right hip pain that comes and goes. Usually, it gets bad when I'm walking. I'll be walking, and my hip will just give out. How strange is that? I'm going to call my OB tomorrow morning and see what they say about it. Hopefully, its just something typical that has to do with the pregnancy.

Alright. I think I've rambled enough for today. We continue to be excited about our little boy. I'm excited to say that I get to continue calling them all "my boys". And Evan is excited to have a brother. I think he would have been disappointed if it was a girl. Cole will now have a partner in crime, as well. Should be mildly entertaining.

