Monday, November 3, 2008

Week of November 1st. Back to work..

Hey everyone! I thought I'd write a short message to update you on our lives!

Things are going well. Kaleb continues to grow so fast!! It's shocking how quickly he's growing. I'm having a hard time with it already! He's no longer a curled up little ball in my arms, though he continues to be a little snugglebug. He would much prefer to be held rather than to lay down on his own. And I can't help but snuggle with him.

I'm also doing really well. In fact, I'm doing so well that I've decided to go back to work this week. I'll be starting back on Wednesday. We've found a fantastic babysitter named Cindy Craze, who lives here in BG. We're really excited about her- she has fantastic references and we think Kaleb will be happy there. I'm both excited and dreading going back to work at the same time. I'm climbing the walls at home and I'm just ready to be back to work. At the same time, I hate the idea of leaving my baby with someone that I really don't know that well and allowing her possibily witness Kaleb's milestones before I do. =-( That's really hard for me. BUT, I was never meant to be a stay-at-home-mom. I miss my clients and caregivers. I miss my co-workers and I'm always dying to know what's going on with them. I've talked to my scheduler at least once a week since I've been gone, getting updates!

Kaleb continues to be a good baby, and I think we're catching onto his routine, although he's up a couple of times a night still. Greg's going to be in for a reality check when he has to take over one of Kaleb's nighttime wakeup calls- I've been doing all of them since Greg went back to work with the exception of weekends. There's no way I'll be able to do all of the nighttime feedings and be functional for work the next day- especially since I drive a lot. SO, we'll have to split them. I'm going to have to get a cattle prod to get Greg out of bed, though.

Love you all!

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