Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kaleb is 3 months old!!

SO, I know it has been a while since I've updated the blog... sorry about that. I'll try to do better, really.

Life with an infant is SO busy, but I swear, it feels like I never, ever get anything done! I'm exhausted all the time, I don't feel like I get enough sleep, and yet I go to bed between 9-10 and don't wake up until Greg rolls out of bed at 6:30.

Christmas was nice. Kaleb and Evan both recieved a TON of really nice stuff. Greg and I recieved som very nice gifts from our folks, as well. I am especially happy with my new leather jacket. Greg was especially thrilled that he recieved enough gift cards to get his guitar hero band game (HUGE ROLL OF THE EYES BY ME).

Its funny-- I couldn't think of ANYTHING that I wanted for Christmas this year. I guess priorities change when you have a little one. Of course, I thought of something after all was said and done, so that was a bit of a bummer.

Kaleb is growing so fast! He's now into his 3-6mo wardrobe. Crazy! I weighed him earlier in the week, and he's now up to almost 15 lbs! I couldn't believe it when I got on the scale with him. It's no wonder his 0-3's didn't fit him anymore! It's good, knowing that he's getting all his nutrition from me, and is steadily gaining weight. For those of you that are curious, nursing is going much better, too- we're doing that almost exclusively. He hasn't had formula but once in about 2 months! Yeah me! That was a long, hard road, but we survived!

Evan continues to do well. We had our first major "I hate you" experience with him. He refused to eat his mac'n'cheese one night.. Said he didn't like mac'n'cheese because people call it "mac" and he doesn't like that. He also doesn't like how the cheese is all globbed together. NEvermind that he's eaten my mac'n'cheese many times before and always liked it. He ended up in bed early, and the next day, got it for lunch. He refused it then, too... But about 2 hours later decided to eat it. And guess what. He liked it. Was all this worth it on his end? "No". No kidding. LOL. Gotta love 5 year olds. But parental will-power won out.

OH, what else... Not a whole lot.

I'll try to post pictures tonight.
